
Program Refunds


  1. Refund requests may be completed online* or in-person at a Park District facility.
    • Online* – Go to and log in to your online account. On the My Account menu, click Activity Cancellations. Select the program(s) you wish to cancel. Service fees will be assessed according to the schedule listed below. Follow the prompts to checkout. Your refund is not complete until you receive a receipt/confirmation.
      *Not all activities can be cancelled through our online cancellation tool. Please contact if you run into any issues.
    • In-Person – Fill out a Refund Request Form at the Park District facility where the participant’s program is held. The request form is forwarded to the appropriate program supervisor for approval. Service fees will be assessed according to the schedule listed below. Confirmation of the refund will be sent via email.
  2. Refund must be requested at least one day prior to program start date (Note: One day or special events must be requested at least 10 days prior to event start date). Refunds requested on or after the program start date will not be honored.
  3. If a Park District class is cancelled due to lack of enrollment, a full refund will be issued.
  4. Registration and the applicable payment are non-transferrable between individuals.
  5. We do our best to issue refunds as soon as possible, but sometimes delays are necessary to ensure accuracy. Refunds by check can take 2-4 weeks to issue. A refund to your charge card may be processed within 3 business days; however the credit may not appear on your statement until the next billing cycle.

Current Refund Schedule and Service Fees:

Athletics/Team Sports Refunds

If a child attends any travel program tryout and is selected to any travel team, a full refund will not be granted if the player withdraws, quits or is removed from the team by Park District management for violation of any team rules, as specified by the travel team policy, as outlined in the parent manual. In addition, players withdrawing from any travel sports team will be prohibited from participation with his/her team or from attending any Park District of Highland Park travel sports tryouts for the following year.

If the player, in any of the circumstances mentioned above, desires to return to his/her team or attend a Park District of Highland Park travel sport tryout in the future, a request for a hearing must be made to the Board of Park Commissioners of the Park District of Highland Park, and the Board will decide the outcome on a case-by-case basis.

The only approved withdrawal will be for a family emergency or medical problem which requires a doctor’s note. Approved withdrawals will be prorated based on the following:

  1. Approved withdrawal before practices begin will receive a 75% refund.
  2. Approved withdrawals before games begin will receive a 50% refund.
  3. Approved withdrawals after the mid-season has passed will not receive a refund.

Camp Refunds

Full Camp Session Refund Policy

  1. A full refund (less a $50 service charge per camp session) will be given if a camp refund form is properly submitted to the Park District on or before May 1.
  2. No refunds are granted after May 1. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Mini Camp and Extended Camp Refund Policy

A full refund (less a $20 service charge per camp session) will be given if a camp refund form is submitted to the Park District on or before June 6. No refunds are granted after this date. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Household Credits Left on Account

policy 5.03.07

Credits over $10 Left on Household Accounts Over 365 Days Old: Any household account credits exceeding $10 that have remained dormant for over 365 days will be returned to the account holder via the original payment method, which may include a previously used credit card or a paper check.

Prior to processing the refund, the Park District of Highland Park will make reasonable attempts to contact the account holder to verify mailing information, if a check needs to be mailed. If there is no response within 30 days from first attempt to reach account holder and the original payment method is no longer valid (e.g., expired credit card), the Park District of Highland Park will mail a check to the last known address for the account holder. Credits over 365 Days Old and Under $10: Household account credits that have been dormant for over 365 days and have a credit balance less than $10 will be donated to the Parks Foundation of Highland Park, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports access to world-class Park District programs and facilities that enhance community life in Highland Park.