Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Sleepy Hollow
Bridge Replacement
Project End Date
September 2017
2755 Trail Way

New bridge is open for pedestrian traffic!

Why the Sleepy Hollow Bridge Replacement Took So Long

Replacing a bridge that spans a waterway is a complicated process. It requires engagement of multiple specialized experts including waterway structural engineers 
and bridge building contractors.  

Permitting is required from State, County and City governments.  The City requires separate permits for the removal of the old structure, construction documents for the new structure, and installation of the bridge.

In addition, no two bridges are alike.  Ready-made bridges of this type are not available for purchase and would be dangerous if they were.  Precise measurements of shorelines, soil types and abutment load all come into play as part of the unique specifications for a structurally sound bridge

Timeline of Events & Behind the Scenes Work

January 17 - Overnight failure of the steel and concrete pedestrian bridge that spans a tributary of the Skokie River and connects Sleepy Hollow Park to Danny Cunniff Park. - Early morning, Park District crews secured entrances of bridge for safety & contacted an engineer for inspection of the cause.
January 18 – 19 - Engineer inspection as well as inspection of all PDHP bridges was completed
January 20 - February 14 - Emergency quotes were solicited and received by demolition and removal companies for the removal of the bridge. - Applied for and obtained City of Highland Park permits for the removal - Coordinated process for the demolition and removal company crane and trucks to come on site for the bridge removal. - Resident communication was distributed regarding the date and time of the removal and potential effect on traffic.
February 15 - Bridge was removed
February 16 – April 5- Researched and interviewed engineering firms that specialize in waterway structural engineering to secure the most qualified and experienced firm that would deliver the project in the most efficient timeframe
April 6 – June 1 (8 weeks)- Hey and Associates engineering firm that specializes in waterway structural engineering provided structural engineering services for the replacement bridge, construction bid documents, and permits from the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Lake Country Stormwater Management, and City of Highland Park (2 permits) for the replacement bridge. This process normally takes 12 weeks to complete however the Park District whittled down the engineering portion to 8 weeks. Permitting is still in progress.
June 2 – June 20- The project is out for bid. Bids are due Tuesday, June 20.
June 27- Expected bid winner approved by the Park Board at the June 27 meeting.
June 28 – September 1- Bridge fabrication. Manufacturing a bridge of this type takes between 8-14 weeks. The Park District specified an expedited eight-week time frame in the bid.
TBD- Shipment, delivery and installation of bridge at Sleepy Hollow.


September 13, 2017

The new bridge is open for pedestrian traffic. 

September 13, 2017
August 20, 2017

The bridge is being manufactured and will be delivered the first week in September.  Final installation is scheduled for completion by September 15. 

August 20, 2017
June 28, 2017

The Park Board approved the bridge construction bid from Kovilic Construction Co, Inc.,  in the total amount of $65,000.00 at the Park Board meeting on June 27.  Kovilic will begin construction of the bridge which should take 8-weeks to complete.  The bridge is slated for delivery in early September. Installation is expected to be completed within a week following delivery.  

June 28, 2017
June 20, 2017

Fabrication of the replacement bridge was put out to bid on June 2.  Bids were received today and are being reviewed for a final recommendation and approval by the Park Board at the July 27 meeting. 

Once approved, fabrication of the bridge will begin on  June 28.  Manufacturing a bridge of this type takes between 8-14 weeks.  The Park District specified an expedited eight-week time frame in the bid.  Manufacturing will be completed by Sept 1. 

An estimated time frame for shipping, delivery and installation of the bridge at Sleepy Hollow will be determined once the bids are reviewed over the next week and we can work directly with the manufacturer and installer. 

June 20, 2017