Fri., Aug 30-Wed., Sept 4 – Senior Center Construction Update: Elevator service at the Recreation Center of Highland Park will be unavailable Friday, August 30, through Wednesday, September 4 while the City’s construction crews at the Senior Center work on the flooring in the main floor lobby elevator.

Project FAQs

What is Padel?

Padel’s appeal lies in its accessibility to players of all skill levels, offering a balance of simplicity and strategic depth. Played on a glassed-in court—smaller than a tennis court—with solid paddles and depressurized balls, Padel fosters engaging rallies and social interactions, making it an ideal choice for recreational enthusiasts. Padel is typically played in doubles, which makes it a social sport and allows players to work together and strategize during the game.

Originating in Mexico in the 1960s, Padel’s presence in the US began in the 1990s, with Florida being among the first states to adopt the sport. In recent years, Padel has gained traction across several states, thanks to the efforts of organizations like the United States Padel Association (USPA) and the American Platform Tennis Association (APTA) in promoting the sport and constructing new courts.

What is Pickleball?

Despite its funny name, Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in America and is catching on worldwide. It’s played by millions of people of all ages and skill levels.

Pickleball is best described as a combination of badminton, ping-pong and tennis. You can play indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court with a net similar to a tennis net. Players use a paddle that is reminiscent of ping-pong paddles, but is bigger and usually made of more advanced materials. The ball used is very similar to a plastic whiffle ball with holes covering the surface. Pickleball can be played as singles or doubles, just like tennis.

When will construction begin?

Construction is anticipated to begin summer 2024.

When will the current dome be taken down?

Summer 2024

Where will youth sports and practices that use the dome in the winter months be relocated to?

The District is finding alternative space for those Park District programs. 

Why is the use of the dome changing?

The agreement with the current grantee ends in April. In August, the Park District of Highland Park sought proposals for grantees to operate the dome, and the current grantee chose not to submit a proposal to renew their term.

The Park Board accepted a proposal for an indoor pickleball and padel facility in January 2024.  Indoor pickleball courts are in high demand, and the new dome will expand the District’s recreational offerings to meet the diverse needs of the Highland Park community.

Will the Golf Learning Center, River’s Edge Mini Golf, and the Seasonal Dog Park remain?

Yes, the dome will remain within the same footprint. During construction, the Golf Learning Center and River’s Edge Mini Golf will remain open.

Will the new dome be bigger than the current dome?

No, the new dome will remain within the same footprint.

Will the new dome have the same operation season?

The current dome is open 3 seasons out of the year, the new facility will be open year-round.

Preliminary Study Results

Why are we here?

Image 1 of 4

This project is rooted in the Park District’s GreenPrint Master Plan which supports addressing the aging West Ridge Building. The GreenPrint Update confirmed the recommendation and highlighted the need for multi-use space to be flexible to better serve the community. Holabird and Root modeled three different schemes through the preliminary planning study. The scheme to build new is recommended as the most cost-effective scheme to achieve the goals of the Park District within the project budget.

Project FAQs

How can I get involved?

There will be various community meetings along the way. Meetings and information will be posted here.

How will programs be impacted?

The Park District will endeavor to have minimal impact on programs.

Is gymnastics going to be relocated to West Ridge Park?

The Park District is exploring the opportunity to relocate the gymnastics program that is currently housed at Centennial Ice Arena to the new building at West Ridge Park. A new building offers the opportunity to construct a gym that will have the capacity to meet the demands of the program.

What does the building look like?

The Park District started the first phase of the design process, schematic design, in August 2023, renderings of the proposed building will be shared with the community for comment once available.

What is going to happen to West Ridge Center.

The plan is to construct a new community center on the southeast side of West Ridge Park. Once that building is constructed, the existing West Ridge Center will be demolished.

What was the preliminary planning assessment completed in 2022?

In early 2022, the Park District hired architectural firm Holabird and Root to study West Ridge Center recognizing the need to meet growing demands for updated facilities, services, and programs for the community. The firm’s tasks included building and site visioning, site analysis, programming, planning, and preliminary design. Holabird and Root studied three options: renovation, hybrid: renovation and addition, and build new.  The study took a holistic approach to the entire site, including user group and community input, and working within a budget of approximately $15 million.   

The study’s results aimed to answer the critical question of whether to renovate or build new.  Renovation options were determined to be costly upfront, would not meet program needs, and would carry long-term costs for continued maintenance of an aging building. New construction stood out as the best option. A preliminary site evaluation recommends placing a new facility in the southeast portion of the park and demolishing the existing building once construction is complete.

When will the new building be built?

Construction is anticipated to begin fall 2024 and extend through the first part of 2026. Operations at West Ridge Center will continue through the construction. Athletics programs that currently use the fields at West Ridge Park will be relocated.

Park Avenue South Boat Storage Lot Restoration

Project Updates

Stay Up to Date on the Latest Renovations

March 12, 2024

Construction is scheduled to begin on March 19, 2024

March 12, 2024
Heller Nature Center Trail Restoration Project

Project FAQs

Are any trees going to be removed?

No trees will be removed as part of this project.

Aside from the synthetic turf, what other drainage improvements are being made?

The synthetic turf field will drain to a naturalized area just beyond the right-field foul line. The design may also include expanding the existing naturalized area and enhancing the plantings to better manage any additional stormwater.  To impact the existing field as little as possible we have not added additional drainage improvements.

Can’t kids get hurt playing on an artificial field?

The overall safety of the synthetic turf is the predictability and consistency of play.  There are no bad hops or dips or holes that can cause injuries. 

Don’t artificial turf fields get hot?

Unlike black crumb rubber fill that absorbs the heat, the green color of the EPDM (ethylene propylene, diene monomer) infill will help reduce the heat.

How large is the planned turf field?

The Larry Fink Park baseball field renovation is planned to have approximately ½ of an acre of synthetic in-field turf. Comparatively, Lake Forest has about 10 acres.

How long will the new field last?

Synthetic turf has a lifespan of about 10 years.

Why do we need an artificial turf field?

Unfortunately, our fields are situated on floodplains and as they are currently designed are frequently unusable due to constant flooding.  This results in frequent game cancellations for teams who are sometimes unable to finish the season. It’s disappointing to the ballplayers, their families, the coaches, and fans.

Synthetic turf will solve that problem, adding more than three times the number of playing hours yearly and reducing the field’s maintenance costs by 50%. The average lifespan of the new turf will provide these benefits for ten years or more.

The new turf infield will significantly improve playability & recovery time after storms and add flexibility to serve multiple age groups. The new field will make Highland Park competitive with our North Shore neighbors. 

Will lighting be added?

Lighting will not be added at this time. The existing field lighting will remain.

Will this project be complete before baseball season?

The goal is to complete construction by the end of June 2024. Depending on the growing season needed to repair the grass once the turf is replaced, the field may or may not be used for part of the 2024 baseball season.


ethylene propylene, diene monomer

Are there any EPA or OSHA standards to consider?

No, EPDM (ethylene propylene, diene monomer) is not regulated or tracked by the EPA because it is not designated as harmful.

Are there any medical concerns known to be related to EPDM?

Because of its composition as a coated material, there is minimal risk of inhalation, ingestion, absorption, or migration.  EPDM is used in potable water applications, meaning EPDM seals are present in all municipal drinking water systems including faucets used inside the home.  

Doesn’t the fill pose major health risks?

The EPDM (ethylene propylene, diene monomer) fill used in the Fink baseball field is a non-toxic material that is recyclable and reuseable. 

Have there been any tests for chemical emissions from the fill materials? Who conducted the tests? What were the results?

Toxicology tests were done on EPDM (ethylene propylene, diene monomer) by an independent lab using the EPA Method 6010 standard – testing for the presence of heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and phthalates(fal-ates).   No harmful emissions were found.

What is the fill you plan to use at Fink?

The fill is EPDM (ethylene propylene, diene monomer), it is a non-toxic plastic rubber that is widely used in our everyday life from weather stripping, flooring to playground surfacing.   It is also recyclable and reusable and has high resistance to abrasion and wear. 

Won’t the fill end up in the river?

The project drainage has been approved by the City of Highland Park and the Lake County Stormwater Commission and meets all requirements.

Moraine Beach Stairs
Sunset Woods Park Improvements Project

Join the Conversation!

There will be various opportunities throughout the project to get involved. Some engagement opportunities may be specific to a recreational element (i.e. skate park, athletic field, etc.).

Overall Plan

The overall plan below overviews the design of the project components that have been developed through the design process.

West Side Renderings

The renderings below show the elements of the west side of the project area.

Concept Plan

The concept plan below highlights the project area (red outline) and the project components.

Click image to enlarge.
Target Start
Target End
November 2023
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
Spring 2024
September 2024
End of Year 2024
Lighting Replacement

Project Updates

Stay up to date on the latest renovations

August 23, 2024

Construction is expected to begin the week of September 16.

During construction, portions of the south end of Sunset Woods Park will be closed. The basketball court, skate park, and adjacent path will be closed in addition to the area between the main entrance and tennis courts. The main entrance and tennis courts will remain open during construction.

Click here to see a map of construction areas.

August 23, 2024
May 3, 2024

Thank you again to everyone who has provided feedback throughout the design process.

The project will go out to bid at the end of July and construction will start in September 2024.

Click here to see the plan.

May 3, 2024
May 3, 2024

A Community Meeting was held on Thursday, May 2, 2024 to share concept designs and collect feedback.

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting, the feedback provided will be used to guide the final designs.

View a summary of the feedback received on the preferred concept designs and the preliminary updates here.

May 3, 2024
April 2, 2024

Thank you to everyone who attended the Skate Park Design Meeting!

The feedback provided is being used to guide the design process for the skate park and wheel-friendly plaza.

April 2, 2024
March 14, 2024

A Skate Park Design Meeting will be held on Monday, April 1, 2024 to collect community feedback to guide the design for the skate park and wheel-friendly plaza.

At this meeting, the community will have the opportunity to work directly with Professional Skateboarders, Cody McEntire and Julia Brueckler at American Ramp Company to re-imagine the skate park and wheel-friendly plaza.

March 14, 2024
February 22, 2024

A Community Meeting was held on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 to share information about the project and collect community feedback.

Thank you to everyone who attended the meeting, the feedback provided is being used to guide the design process.

February 22, 2024
January 31, 2024

A Neighborhood Stakeholder Meeting will be held on Thursday, February 15, 2024 at 5:00pm at the Sunset Woods Field House with neighbors that live directly adjacent to the park.

At this meeting, the project team will explain the project scope and will facilitate a conversation about cares and concerns as design work begins.

January 31, 2024
November 15, 2023

At the November 15 Board Meeting, the Park District Board of Commissioners approved Lamar Johnson Collaborative’s (LJC) proposal for Site Design and Engineering Services for the Sunset Woods Improvements Project.
LJC will be working with the Park District of Highland Park to design and implement the Sunset Woods Improvements Project.

November 15, 2023
March 1, 2023

The Park District of Highland Park was awarded $600,000 through the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant program administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for Improvements to the southern portion of Sunset Woods Park.

March 1, 2023
Project FAQs

How will boat storage be impacted during construction?

Boat storage through April 29 will not be impacted. The project team plans to sequence the project to minimize the impact to boat storage for the 2024 season. 

See new parking configurations.

Will I be able to access the boat launch?

The launch is expected to remain open during construction.

Will I be able to visit the north beach during construction?

During construction, parts of the north beach are expected to have limited access. 

See new parking configurations.

Moroney Park Weil Tot Lot Renovation
Staff conducted a site feasibility study based on feedback gathered from the community. Two meetings were held in Spring 2022 to confirm the site plan.
Site Planning
Nov 2021 – May 2022
Multiple equipment layouts will be developed for community members to review and provide feedback.
Equipment Option Review
Jun – Sep 2022
Final designs will be prepared based on community input. The community will have an opportunity to review the final design.
Playground Design
Sep – Nov 2022
An invitation to bid will be issued and a contract awarded for construction.
Dec-Feb 2022
Construct the preferred design selected by the community
Mar – Aug 2023

Project Updates

Stay Up to Date on the Latest Renovations

August 25, 2023

Moroney Park’s Weil Tot Lot is now open for play!

Over the next month, a few finishing touches will take place on and near the playground. The Park District anticipates the playground may close for a day in a few weeks to complete the finishing touches and the website will be updated prior to the temporary closure.

August 25, 2023
August 11, 2023

Moroney’s Weil Tot Lot renovation is nearly completed!

Moroney’s Weil Tot Lot renovation is nearly completed! The fencing, playground and playground surfacing are installed. The new Tot Lot will open in the coming weeks when the final playground inspection is completed.

August 11, 2023
August 9, 2023

The playground and playground surfacing have been installed and the fencing is scheduled for installation this week.
Following the installation of the fence, and one final inspection, the playground will soon open.

August 9, 2023
June 22, 2023

Construction is underway at Moroney’s Weil Tot Lot!

The site is graded, play equipment footings are laid out, the perimeter curb is framed and installation of the playground equipment has begun.

June 22, 2023
April 12, 2023

It’s official!

Construction of Moroney’s Weil Tot Lot is scheduled to begin Monday, April 24. On that date, the playground will be closed until construction is completed.

April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023

Construction is getting ready to begin at Moroney’s Weil Tot Lot. The tree protection fencing has gone up and the construction process is scheduled to begin next week. The playground will be open until construction begins; at that time signage will be posted about the playground’s closure.

April 12, 2023
November 28, 2022

The fruits of your feedback have arrived!

The Park District is excited to share the final playground renovation design for Moroney’s Weil Tot Lot. Following several rounds of community engagement, the collected feedback was translated into the final equipment selection and playground layout. See updated playground design rendering here.

The Park District would also like to share the redesigned playground entrance pathway, which will be ADA accessible and ease the slope into the playground. Through community engagement, the desire for stroller parking was heard, and will be included at the entrance path. See updated entrance pathway plan here.

Next Steps: We are on track to bid out this project in December and construction is anticipated to begin in the spring.

November 28, 2022
October 6, 2022

Community Feedback – Listening Sessions and Community Meeting

Over the last few months, the Park District collected neighbor comments on the playground equipment options for the Weil Tot Lot at Moroney Park. We would like to thank you for stopping by the August/September Listening Sessions and for your participation in last week’s Community Meeting. Currently, we are integrating neighbor feedback into the playground design, below is a summary of the key takeaways.
What is most loved about the current playground?
• House structure
•  Teeter totter
•  Location – due to the natural shading and the playground’s seclusion from the street

Is there a theme or color palette that will best suit Moroney?
•  Neutral, organic color palette with a few bright pops – natural color palette that will fit into the neighborhood
•  Theme – while many were impartial on the subject, a nature or forest theme was a popular suggestion and a theme could add value by giving the playground an identity, as this is how kids refer to the place rather than an actual name

What playground elements are a must have?
•  Swings, and swing type options
•  Climbing opportunities
•  A lookout platform – somewhere  kids can climb up high, see the trains pass
•  Room to run around and explore
•  Sensory play options – i.e., music play
•  Understanding that the playground is intended for the 2-5 age group, achieving a balance of diversity of play value to meet each child (ages 2-5) at their level of play, particularly the older end of the age range that may be ready for more challenging play elements.
•  Large play structure, with a few independent surrounding elements
• Opportunities to bounce and jump
•  Spinner and/or teeter totter
The Park District’s next step is to incorporate this feedback into the final design for the playground. Once the design is complete, we will share it with the community.

October 6, 2022
September 29, 2022

Official Community Meeting – Rosewood Interpretive Center

Our preliminary listening sessions for the Weil Tot Lot replacement projects concluded with a community meeting at Rosewood Beach Interpretive Center. We once again shared the various equipment design layouts and looked for resident’s feedback.

September 29, 2022
September 14, 2022

Listening Session – Ravinia Farmers Market

The playground design process is collaborative. Park District staff had a booth at the Ravinia Farmer’s Market to review equipment layout design options.

September 14, 2022
August 31, 2022

Listening Session – Moroney Park Weil Tot Lot

The playground design process is collaborative. Park District staff held a listening session in the park from 9am-11am to review equipment layout design options.

August 31, 2022
August 26, 2022

Listening Session – Moroney Park Weil Tot Lot

The playground design process is collaborative. Park District staff held a listening session in the park from 1pm-3pm to review equipment layout design options.

August 26, 2022