Now – Tues, Mar 18: The Heller Nature Center building is closed for lobby renovations. Trails remain open daily from 7:30am to dusk.

Annual District Wide Asphalt Project 
Start Date
Mon Oct 17
Projected End Date
Fri Oct 21
Heller Nature Center & Sunset Valley Golf Club

Annually, the Park District of Highland Park improves asphalt at our parks. This year’s project has officially begun and is focusing on Heller Nature Center and a portion of Sunset Valley Golf Course’s Cart Paths.   

Please email Mike Evans at if you have any questions. 



October 25, 2022

The Annual Asphalt Project has been completed, thank you for your patience!

October 25, 2022
October 19, 2022

Sunset Valley Golf Club

The cart paths on holes 2-5, 8 and 9 are going to be repaved this year. So far, the path along holes 2, 8, 9 and part of 5 have been grinded down and are expected to be paved this week.
This week, crews will begin grinding the path along holes 3, 4, and the rest of 5.

October 19, 2022
October 19, 2022

Heller Nature Center

Heller Nature Center’s parking lot has been repaved and is ready for striping. As a result, the parking lot is currently closed off where the new pavement begins, and we ask that you please not park in the lot until the striping has been completed and has finished curing.

The parking lot is expected to be open late Wednesday or in the morning on Thursday. In the meantime, visitors can park on the entry road that leads up to the parking lot.   

October 19, 2022