Now – Tues, Mar 18: The Heller Nature Center building is closed for lobby renovations. Trails remain open daily from 7:30am to dusk.

Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Replacement Update

June 23, 2023

The boat ramp is now open! Power Boats and PWCs can now launch at Park Avenue. Construction fencing has been relocated and traffic can now resume on the east side of the water plant. Use of the west side road is no longer needed. 

Please keep in mind, there will still be work occurring and construction equipment will remain on site. The breakwater is fenced off and access is not allowed at this time. Additionally, some areas will require temporary closures for construction, in which case we will send out an email update.

We will continue to send regular project updates until completion to inform facility users. Our goal is to provide all users with a safe, welcoming, and extraordinary experience. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please get in touch with Debbie Pierce at 847.579.4047 or Kari Acevedo at 847.579.4051

About the Project

High lake levels accompanied by intense storms over the past few years caused damage to the breakwater wall/barge and concrete ramp at Park Avenue Boating Beach. These extreme weather conditions have affected communities all along the Illinois Lake Michigan shoreline.  

At the April 27 meeting, the Park Board approved construction of Phase 1 of the Park Avenue Breakwater Project in the amount of $2,221,890. The base scope of this project includes removal of the existing barge breakwater and boat ramp, stockpiling and salvaging existing breakwater fill and armor stone, construction of a new steel sheet pile breakwater with a concrete crown wall and construction of a new concrete boat launch.   Funding for the project includes $2,000,000 from the Park District’s capital fund and $400,000 from the Parks Foundation of Highland Park, made possible from community donations