Millard Park and Beach is a neighborhood passive non-swimming beach area with over 1,000 feet of Lake Michigan shore and bluff. The upper park hosts a historic garden that overlooks the lake and beach area. Ravine restoration has enhanced the habitat for trout spawning and other native wildlife and ecology.
- Beach Access (no swimming)
- Bluff Lookout
- Rock Garden
- The Rock Garden was gifted to the Park District of Highland Park in 2014 by longtime residents Richard and Marjie Ettlinger to provide a friendly outdoor play and learning space to sift and sort stones to identify such important Lake Michigan beach stones as basalt, granite, quartz, sandstone, and limestone. Large boulders of each rock type are represented in the garden and engraved with their geological names. The space also includes a bench constructed by Eagle Scout candidate Duncan Holzall. The sitting area will provide residents with a place to relax and enjoy the beautiful beach while listening to the stones rolling together in waves.