Sunday, March 23 at 6:30-9pm: Our registration system will be temporarily down for scheduled maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Parking Decals
2025 Lakefront Parking Decals on sale now

A 2025 Lakefront Parking Decal is required for all vehicles starting Saturday, March 1, at all lakefront parking lots. Lakefront parking decals are valid through December 31, 2025. Residents and non-residents are required to purchase a decal annually.

Parking is allowed during posted times. Gates will close promptly at the time indicated. The Park District is not responsible for vehicles in lots after posted gate closure time. Vehicles will be available for retrieval the following day. The Park District of Highland Park enforced parking fine is $75 per occurrence for not having proper Park District of Highland Park season decals or daily parking passes. No exceptions.

How to Purchase a Decal

*Online Lakefront Parking Decal: March 1-May 18

Parking Decal
$35 Resident
$285 Non-resident
Lakefront Parks/Beaches
(Moraine, Central, Millard, Park Avenue – North Lot and Rosewood – Upper Lot)
Resident Lakefront Parking Decal
Non-resident Lakefront Parking Decal
Rosewood Beach
(Lower Lot)
Resident Lakefront Parking Decal
No Non-resident Parking Allowed

*Due to construction, the Park Avenue North parking lot is open with limited access. Access to boats in the fenced lot is open. Please note that dates may change due to construction and weather delays. Learn more about this project.

Non-resident Lakefront Parking Decal is not valid on holidays (Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day)


  • Resident Lakefront Parking Decal: $35
  • Non-resident Lakefront Parking Decal: $285
  • Park Avenue Boating Facility Parking information and rates, click here

Daily Parking at Rosewood Beach Upper Lot

  • $15 per hour or $40 for 4 hours per vehicle
  • Residents and non-residents can purchase hourly parking
  • Hourly parking is purchased through the Parking Kiosk located at the Upper Lot
  • The parking receipt MUST be visibly displayed face-up on your vehicle’s dashboard
  • Daily Beach Access Passes must also be purchased at the Kiosk

Parking decals are valid through December 31, 2025.

Proof of Residency Requirements

Resident Lakefront Parking Decal

To protect the interests of Highland Park residents, one of the following proof of residency is required to purchase a Resident Lakefront Parking Decal:

  1. Current driver’s license with a Highland Park address.
  2. State of Illinois identification card with a Highland Park address.
  3. Real estate tax bill (prior year) with the owner’s name and a Highland Park address.
  4. Current automobile registration with name and Highland Park address.
  5. Copy of a real estate contract with a Highland Park address stating a closing date.
  6. A current utility bill with the resident’s name.
  7. Current rental lease with name and Highland Park address.

If you are purchasing more than one parking decal per adult residing in the household, in addition to proof of residency, you must also provide proof of vehicle ownership (vehicle registration or lease documents, names/addresses must match above proof of residency documentation) for each vehicles you are requesting a decal.

*The same proof of residency applies to Park District tax paying residents not living within the city of Highland Park including residents of Fort Sheridan (60037); portions of the Town of Fort Sheridan that lie within Park District boundaries (60035); and Park District of Highland Park taxpayers who reside on the following Kings Cove (Deerfield) streets: Carriage Way, Bent Creek Ridge, Fox Hunt Trail, Millstone Road, Shag Bark Lane, Smoke Tree Road and Tanglewood Court.


Can I purchase a Lakefront Parking Decal for my motorcycle or scooter?

Yes, same proof of residency requirements and fees apply.

Can I use my one Lakefront Parking Decal that I purchased on several different vehicles?

No, only one Lakefront Parking Decal is assigned to a specific vehicle. This decal may not be transferred or re-used on multiple vehicles.

How can I purchase a Lakefront Parking Decal for my family caretaker or childcare provider?

The Caregiver and the Primary Household Member will need to purchase the Lakefront Parking Decal together at the Recreation Center of Highland Park. The caregiver will need to provide their driver’s license and vehicle information to receive a Resident Lakefront Parking Decal.

If I get a parking ticket, can I dispute my ticket?

You can only dispute your ticket if you have a proper Lakefront Parking Decal.  Otherwise, will you be liable for your ticket. Please contact for more information.

If I have handicap access to parking spots, do I need a Lakefront Parking Decal?

If you have a handicapped license plate or permanent placard hanging from your mirror, you do not need to purchase a Lakefront Parking Decal. If you were given a temporary handicap placard, then you will need to purchase a Lakefront Parking Decal.

What happens if I lose my Lakefront Parking Decal?

You will have to purchase a brand-new one.

  • Residents – $35
  • Non-residents – $285

When I register for my Lakefront Parking Decal, do I also get a Rosewood Beach Access Pass?

No, Rosewood Beach Access Passes can be issued at Rosewood Beach, Hidden Creek Aqua Park, and the Recreation Center of Highland Park.

Where and how can I pay for my ticket?

  • Online
  • QR code on the ticket
  • In-person at the Recreation Center of Highland Park (1207 Park Ave West Highland Park, IL 60035)
  • Mail-In (check only)
    • Park District of Highland Park
    • Attn: Tickets
    • 636 Ridge Road
    • Highland Park, IL 60035

Where can I park if I have a resident or non-resident Lakefront Parking Decal without receiving a ticket?

Residents: Lower Rosewood, Upper Rosewood, Park Avenue (North Lot), Millard Park, Moraine Park & Dog Beach. Valid dawn to dusk every day.

Non-Residents: Upper Rosewood, Park Avenue (North Lot), Millard Park, Moraine Park & Dog Beach. Valid dawn to dusk every day.

Where does my Lakefront Parking Decal need to be placed on my vehicle?

The Lakefront Parking Decal needs to be affixed to the lower passenger side windshield of the vehicle, no exceptions.