In order to protect the interest of Highland Park residents, the following procedures have been implemented. To qualify for a resident season pass or to be eligible to purchase a resident daily fee, you must provide one of the following to prove your Highland Park residency:
Children • Ages 4-15
Parent/guardian may need to provide a birth certificate or other proper document(s) to show proof of parental relationship or guardianship between the child (ren) and the adult(s) applying for the season pass.
Adults• Ages 16 & Up
- Current driver’s license with a Highland Park address
- State of Illinois identification card with a Highland Park address
- Real estate tax bill (prior year) with the owner’s name and a Highland Park address. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID.
- Current automobile registration with name and Highland Park address. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID
- Copy of a real estate contract with a Highland Park address stating a closing date. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID
- A current utility bill with resident’s name. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID
- Current rental lease with name and Highland Park address. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID
- The same proof of residency applies to Park District tax-paying residents not living within the city of Highland Park, including residents of Fort Sheridan (60037); portions of the Town of Fort Sheridan that lie within Park District boundaries (60035); and Park District of Highland Park taxpayers who reside on the following Kings Cove (Deerfield) streets: Carriage Way, Bent Creek Ridge, Fox Hunt Trail, Millstone Road, Shag Bark Lane, Smoke Tree Road and Tanglewood Court.