New Member
Proof of Residency

In order to protect the interest of Highland Park residents, the following procedures have been implemented. To qualify for a resident season pass or to be eligible to purchase a resident daily fee, you must provide one of the following to prove your Highland Park residency:

Children • Ages 4-15
Parent/guardian may need to provide a birth certificate or other proper document(s) to show proof of parental relationship or guardianship between the child (ren) and the adult(s) applying for the season pass.

Adults• Ages 16 & Up

  1. Current driver’s license with a Highland Park address
  2. State of Illinois identification card with a Highland Park address
  3. Real estate tax bill (prior year) with the owner’s name and a Highland Park address. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID.
  4. Current automobile registration with name and Highland Park address. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID
  5. Copy of a real estate contract with a Highland Park address stating a closing date. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID
  6. A current utility bill with resident’s name. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID
  7. Current rental lease with name and Highland Park address. Applicant must also present corresponding photo ID
  8. The same proof of residency applies to Park District tax-paying residents not living within the city of Highland Park, including residents of Fort Sheridan (60037); portions of the Town of Fort Sheridan that lie within Park District boundaries (60035); and Park District of Highland Park taxpayers who reside on the following Kings Cove (Deerfield) streets: Carriage Way, Bent Creek Ridge, Fox Hunt Trail, Millstone Road, Shag Bark Lane, Smoke Tree Road and Tanglewood Court.


Contact Us

Aquatics Manager
Aquatics Supervisor – Programs