To accommodate crews working on the Senior Center, from Thurs., Aug 1 through Sat., Aug 3 the Recreation Center elevator will be out of service. On Thurs., Aug 1, from 8am to noon, the Recreation Center locker rooms will be closed and the entrance to the Center will be limited to the southeast side, next to the lobby and the emergency exit.  Also, on Thurs., Aug 1, from noon to 5pm, the Recreation Center’s pool and locker rooms will be closed and the hot water will be shut off. We appreciate your patience during this time.

February 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

March 2, 2023

Updates from the February Park Board Meetings

February 1: Special Meeting of the Park Board

The public hearing for the proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 for the Park District of Highland Park was held. No members of the public provided comment on the proposed 2023 Budget.

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Licenses, the Centennial Ice Arena Water Heaters Bid, the Centennial Ice Arena Landscaping Bid, the 2023 Moroney Park Improvements Poured-in-Place Safety Surfacing Bid, the 2023 Moroney Park Improvements General Playground Construction Bid, the Gewalt Hamilton Associates Proposal for Compton Avenue Trail Connection Design, Resolution 2023-01: Authorizing a Contract for Procurement of Playground Equipment, allowing the Executive Director to enter into a 5-year lease term with EZ-GO for 65 lithium-ion battery-operated golf carts and 1 gas-operated beverage cart for a 5-year total not to exceed $538,901.70 and to enter into a 5-year lease term with EZ-GO for Alternate A (GPS System) in the amount of $165,789, the 2023 Budget and 2023 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance (2023-01) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.

February 7: Special Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners went into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Open Meeting Act: Section 2(c)5 – the purchase or lease of real estate including discussion on whether a certain parcel of property should be acquired; Section 2(c)6 – the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the District.

February 8: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

Staff provided construction project updates for Fink Park Athletic Field Development and the Centennial Ice Arena Rink Floor Replacement and the Facility and Site Renovations.

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Illinois Mutual Retirement Fund (IMRF) Authorized Agent Appointment to Larry M. Carr and the Supporting Resolution.

Staff reviewed the 2022 and 2023 membership efforts to increase fitness participation at the Recreation Center of Highland Park.

February 14: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the preliminary Cost Center results for 2022, Resolution 2023-03 Authorizing and Increase in the Budgeted Year-End Fund Transfer Amounts, and Ordinance 2023-02 Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property.

Staff also reviewed the bid openings for the 2023 Deer Creek Racquet Club Concrete and Masonry Repairs and the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance Routes.

February 22: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution #2023-02: Authorizing an Increase in the Budgeted Year-End Fund Transfer Amounts, Ordinance #2023-02: Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property, 2023 Deer Creek Racquet Club Concrete and Masonry Repairs bid, the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – North Route bid, the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – South Route bid, the Rejection of the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – Electric Route bid, the Changes to Personnel Policy #2.8 Definitions “Introductory Employees”, the Changes to Personnel Policy #3.2 Equal Employment Opportunity, the Changes to Personnel Policy #4.10 Performance Evaluations, the Changes to Personnel Policy #6.2 Fleet Safety, the Changes to Personnel Policy #6.14.2 / #6.15.2 Reimbursement During Business Travel, Personnel Policy #6.17 and #6.17 Nursing Mothers, the Changes to Personnel Policy #8.3 Sick Time, the Changes to Personnel Policy #8.3 / #8.5 Bereavement, and the Changes to Personnel Policy #10.3 Illinois Victims’ Economic and Safety Act (VESSA).