No, the racoon swings will remain. The post will be reused, and the swing seats will be replaced.
After careful evaluation of the 5-12 playground, the Park District identified that the playground equipment is in good condition and not in need of replacement. Though, as part of this project, certain elements of the 5-12 playground will be replaced to extend the useful life of the playground and to improve the user experience. Updates to the 5-12 playground include: replacement of the steppers/ground play feature with a new climber, replacement of the woodchip surfacing, the addition of concrete curbing and the replacement of the play panels on the playground structure.
The park pathway was scheduled for repaving this year and the Park District saw this as an opportunity to improve the path layout. The new path will loop around the park to improve circulation.
No, the sand play element will be removed as part of this renovation. Despite the diggers being a favorite element, feedback indicated support for removing sand play.
Two diseased trees will be removed as part of this project.
Lighting will not be added at this time. The existing field lighting will remain.
No trees will be removed as part of this project.
The goal is to complete construction by the end of June 2024. Depending on the growing season needed to repair the grass once the turf is replaced, the field may or may not be used for part of the 2024 baseball season.
Synthetic turf has a lifespan of about 10 years.
The synthetic turf field will drain to a naturalized area just beyond the right-field foul line. The design may also include expanding the existing naturalized area and enhancing the plantings to better manage any additional stormwater. To impact the existing field as little as possible we have not added additional drainage improvements.