Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Details regarding the construction schedule will be released in early 2025.

Construction of the new facility is anticipated to begin in Winter 2025 and be completed by Spring 2026.

Sustainability has been part of the design process from the very beginning. The Design team balanced the desire for sustainability, budget, and site constraints.

The following sustainable components are included in the project:

Other efforts that will be considered during bidding:

There is no anticipated impact to the Highland Park Community Nursery School during construction.

Yes. Most of the paths will remain open during construction, including the southernmost path connecting Ridge Road to Red Oak Lane. The pathway section adjacent to the south parking lot and existing ballfield will be closed. This path will be the front of the new building.


Construction will occur within the times allowed by the City of Highland Park ordinance.

The playground will be closed during construction. Construction is expected to begin Fall 2025.

Yes, the playground footprint will grow to accommodate the separation of the tot and elementary play areas.

The proposed playground surface will remain Engineered Wood Fiber (woodchips).

The playground will be closed during construction. Construction is expected to begin April 2025.