All community members, including businesses and nonprofit organizations, are invited to participate in the community walk following the remembrance ceremony. The walk will not include a pre-planned lineup, floats, or performers. No parade is planned for 2023. Viewing only is discouraged.
Highland Park is home to many talented artists and musicians. To ensure an equitable approach, the City and Park District have already finalized performers for the events on July 4, 2023.
The remembrance ceremony will include a short program with a moment of silence, remarks, and music. Following this set program, attendees will participate in a community walk along the 2022 planned parade route (north on St. Johns, west on Central to Sunset Woods Park.)
Yes, the Park District is seeking volunteers to assist with the Independence Day Community Picnic. Volunteers may help with pre-event planning, event setup/teardown and coordinating, implementing, and supervising games and activities. To volunteer, complete and submit this Volunteer Form.
Construction is expected to begin early Spring 2024 through the end of Spring 2024, though the schedule is weather dependent.
No trees are expected to be removed as part of the project. Some plantings will be removed to accommodate the new accessible entry path
Yes. The project will include a landscape plan for the area surrounding the tot-lot.
Yes, the existing fence will be replaced with a new fence.
This project focuses on the tot lot, though the Park District is accepting comments for what the community would like to see on the North lot.
The plan proposes to use pour-in-place rubber safety surface, often referred to as the soft surface.