Tue, Dec 17: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

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Moroney Park Weil Tot Lot Playground Renovation Meeting
Date & Time
Tue, May 24 6:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Rosewood Beach Interpretive Center 883 Sheridan Road Highland Park, Illinois 60035 Google Maps 

Learn more about the Moroney Park Weil Tot Lot Playground Renovation Project

The Park District is in the early stages of design. Staff will present the site layout and will gather feedback on the community’s desired play types and playground design.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Presentation from Park District Staff reviewing the feasibility study and proposed layout
    • The Park District assessed the feasibility of relocation and vetted the assessment with the Park Board of Commissioners at the March Parks, Natural Areas, and Lakefront Committee meeting. The Park District recommends keeping the playground in its current location with a new accessible entrance.
  • Questions and comments
  • Preliminary review of playground equipment types

The playground design process is collaborative and there will be future opportunities for you to get involved. If you are interested in receiving notification about future playground planning meetings, please provide your contact information to Amalia Schwartz ([email protected] or 847-579-4090).

Construction at the playground is expected in the spring of 2023.