Staff provided construction updates for the Fink Park Athletic Field Development project, Sunset Valley Golf Club Bridge Replacement project, Deer Creek Racquet Club Locker Room Improvement project, and the Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations and the Rink Floor Replacement projects.
The Park Board of Commissioners went into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Open Meeting Act: Section 2(c)5 – the purchase or lease of real estate including discussion on whether a certain parcel of property should be acquired.
Staff reviewed the bid openings for the 2023 Asphalt Improvements project, the 2023 Park Avenue Dredging project, the 2023 Weeding and Landscape Services project, and the 2023 Hidden Creek AquaPark Deck Chairs Replacement project. The asphalt bid includes two alternatives to convert 10 or 12 tennis courts into pickleball courts at Danny Cunniff Park. Staff presented permanent and temporary options for the pickleball court conversion. Based on feedback from the Finance Committee, staff will further investigate temporary solutions for additional pickleball courts at Danny Cunniff Park and bring a recommendation back to the Park Board of Commissioners. Staff will request that the Park Board of Commissioners approve the base bid and alternates, excluding the pickleball court conversions, from Troch-McNeil Paving Company, Inc at the upcoming Regular Meeting.
While staff received approval from the Park Board of Commissioners to enter into a five-year lease agreement with EZGO for golf carts, staff explored the costs to purchase the EZGO carts and GPS through Sourcewell and found there is a significant savings. Staff received consensus from the Finance Committee to place the purchase of the EZGO golf carts and GPS on the consent agenda at the Regular Meeting.
Staff presented the two proposals for the design of the Park Avenue Access Improvement Project. Staff are recommending that the Park Board of Commissioners approve the contract with Hitchcock Design Group for the design and engineering of the north beach at the upcoming Regular Meeting.
Staff presented three renovation options for the Deer Creek Racquet Club Locker Room Improvement project.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the 2023 Weeding and Landscape Services bid, the 2024 Sunset Valley Golf Club Golf Cart and GPS Purchase, the 2023 Asphalt Improvements bid, the proposal with Hitchcock Design Group for the design and engineering of the north beach at Park Avenue, the 2023 Park-Avenue Dredging Project re-bid, and the 2023 Hidden Creek AquaPark Deck Chair Replacement bid.
The public hearing for the proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 for the Park District of Highland Park was held. No members of the public provided comment on the proposed 2023 Budget.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Licenses, the Centennial Ice Arena Water Heaters Bid, the Centennial Ice Arena Landscaping Bid, the 2023 Moroney Park Improvements Poured-in-Place Safety Surfacing Bid, the 2023 Moroney Park Improvements General Playground Construction Bid, the Gewalt Hamilton Associates Proposal for Compton Avenue Trail Connection Design, Resolution 2023-01: Authorizing a Contract for Procurement of Playground Equipment, allowing the Executive Director to enter into a 5-year lease term with EZ-GO for 65 lithium-ion battery-operated golf carts and 1 gas-operated beverage cart for a 5-year total not to exceed $538,901.70 and to enter into a 5-year lease term with EZ-GO for Alternate A (GPS System) in the amount of $165,789, the 2023 Budget and 2023 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance (2023-01) for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023.
The Park Board of Commissioners went into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Open Meeting Act: Section 2(c)5 – the purchase or lease of real estate including discussion on whether a certain parcel of property should be acquired; Section 2(c)6 – the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the District.
Staff provided construction project updates for Fink Park Athletic Field Development and the Centennial Ice Arena Rink Floor Replacement and the Facility and Site Renovations.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Illinois Mutual Retirement Fund (IMRF) Authorized Agent Appointment to Larry M. Carr and the Supporting Resolution.
Staff reviewed the 2022 and 2023 membership efforts to increase fitness participation at the Recreation Center of Highland Park.
Staff reviewed the preliminary Cost Center results for 2022, Resolution 2023-03 Authorizing and Increase in the Budgeted Year-End Fund Transfer Amounts, and Ordinance 2023-02 Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property.
Staff also reviewed the bid openings for the 2023 Deer Creek Racquet Club Concrete and Masonry Repairs and the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance Routes.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution #2023-02: Authorizing an Increase in the Budgeted Year-End Fund Transfer Amounts, Ordinance #2023-02: Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property, 2023 Deer Creek Racquet Club Concrete and Masonry Repairs bid, the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – North Route bid, the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – South Route bid, the Rejection of the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – Electric Route bid, the Changes to Personnel Policy #2.8 Definitions “Introductory Employees”, the Changes to Personnel Policy #3.2 Equal Employment Opportunity, the Changes to Personnel Policy #4.10 Performance Evaluations, the Changes to Personnel Policy #6.2 Fleet Safety, the Changes to Personnel Policy #6.14.2 / #6.15.2 Reimbursement During Business Travel, Personnel Policy #6.17 and #6.17 Nursing Mothers, the Changes to Personnel Policy #8.3 Sick Time, the Changes to Personnel Policy #8.3 / #8.5 Bereavement, and the Changes to Personnel Policy #10.3 Illinois Victims’ Economic and Safety Act (VESSA).
Staff provided construction project updates for Millard Bluff Grading and Tree Removal, Moraine Beach Pathway, Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Replacement, Moroney Park Playground Replacement, and the Centennial Ice Arena Rink Floor Replacement and the Facility and Site Renovations.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Centennial Ice Arena Renovation Project Change Order #25 from Stuckey Construction in the amount of $38,951 for materials and installation of Mondo flooring at the ice rink entry area.
Staff reviewed a proposed donation from a Highland Park resident to rename a PDHP park in honor of his family and other Italian families that have settled in Highland Park beginning in the early 1900s. Staff also reviewed the updated employee classification plan and salary ranges and proposed salary adjustments.
Staff reviewed the 2023 Lakefront user fees for Park Avenue Beach and Boating Facility, Rosewood Beach, and Moraine, possible options to covert a portion of the existing tennis courts to pickleball courts at Danny Cunniff Park, and the feasibility study initiative with BerryDunn for the West Ridge Center Facility Planning Improvements.
Staff presented the 2023 budget book and related Ordinance # 2023-1: An Ordinance for a combined budget and appropriation for the Park District of Highland Park for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023. Staff have also been working with the Park District’s legal counsel to draft a Donation and Naming Rights Agreement for the Fink Park Baseball Field. An update was provided to discuss the donation, agreement terms and schedule, and the proposed name. Staff also reviewed the bid opening for the 2022 Centennial Ice Arena Sound and Video Equipment Replacement project, the 2023 Dehumidification System Replacement Recreation Center of Highland Park Indoor Pool project, and a proposed parks vehicle capital purchase.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Centennial Ice Arena Renovation Project Change Order #16 from Stuckey Construction in the amount of $49,868.50 for materials and installation of Mondo flooring at the ice rink entry area.
Staff presented the 2022 operational reports for Sunset Valley Golf Club and the Highland Park Golf Learning Center and provided construction project updates for the Fink Park Athletic Field Development Project, the Hidden Creek AquaPark Concrete Pool Deck Project, the Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations Project, the Centennial Ice Arena Rink Floor Replacement Project, the Moraine Beach Pathway Project, the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Replacement Project, and the West Ridge Park and Site Plan Project.
There was a Public Hearing on the Supplemental and Tax Levy Ordinances.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the 2023 Highland Park Pops Affiliate Organization Agreement, the 2023 Highland Park Strings Affiliate Organization Agreement, the 2023 Highland Park Players Affiliate Organization Agreement, the 2023 American Youth Soccer Organization Affiliate Agreement, the 2023 Uptown Music Theater of Highland Park Affiliate Organization Agreement, the 2023 License Agreement between the Park District of Highland Park and the North Shore Yacht Club, the 2022 Centennial Ice Arena Sound & Video Equipment Replacement Bid, the 2023 Dehumidification System Replacement for the Recreation Center of Highland Park Indoor Pool Bid, the Donation and Naming Rights Agreement, Resolution #2022-08 Authorizing a Contract for Procurement of Park Vehicles, Resolution #2022-09: Authorizing the Mutual Exchange of Real Estate Property and Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Board of Education of NSSD112 and the PDHP to Mutually Exchange Real Estate, Ordinance #2022-06: Supplemental Tax Levy for Debt Service for 2022, and Ordinance #2022-07: Tax Levy for 2022.
Staff presented the proposed 2023 Budget (represents the calendar year January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023) for consideration by the Board of Park Commissioners. The proposed 2023 budget is available for public review on our website, as well as at the Recreation Center of Highland Park, West Ridge Center and Highland Park Library. Public comments and questions can be submitted to [email protected]. A hearing for the public will be held on January 25, 2023. Later that evening, the Budget will be presented to the Board for approval of the Budget, and the Budget and Appropriations Ordinance. Upon approval, the budget will be certified by the county.
Architect consultants, Holabird and Root, presented renovation and new construction options for the West Ridge Parks and Site Project. Following feedback from the Committee, the team will take time to complete a proforma analysis on programs proposed for the West Ridge Center. The final report from Holabird and Root and Gilbane will return to the Park Board alongside the results of the proforma.
The First Northeastern District of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Illinois donated life-saving materials to the Park District as part of the “Stop the Bleed” Program.
Staff received consensus from the Park Board of Commissioners to approve at the November 16 Regular Meeting the Truth in Taxation Resolution #2022-07, where the estimated percentage increase in the proposed 2023 aggregate levy over the amount of real estate taxes extended upon the final 2022 aggregate levy based on 5% tax cap and anticipated growth is 6.99%.
Staff reviewed a draft of the Five-Year Capital Plan.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Centennial Ice Arena Renovation Project Change Order #5 in the amount of $184,295 for East Facia Improvements.
Lastly, staff provided construction updates for the Danny Cunniff Park Pond Deck Removal project, the Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations project, the Centennial Ice Arena Rink Floor Replacement project, the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Replacement project, the Moraine Beach Pathway project, and Districtwide Asphalt projects.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the 2023 Board Meeting Calendar, the 2023 IAPD/IPRA Credentials Certificate, the Truth in Taxation Resolution #2022-07, the 2023 Heller Nature Center HVAC Replacement Bid, and the Ground Lease Agreement between the City of Highland Park and the Park District of Highland Park, for 1755 St. Johns Avenue.
Staff presented the 2022 summer camp report.
Staff reviewed the Park District’s Fund Balance Policy and received consensus from the Finance Committee to maintain a minimum balance of 25% in the General and Recreation Funds, maintain a minimum balance of 15% in the Special Recreation Fund, and remove the Debt Service Fund policy.
Staff also reviewed the Draft Five-Year Capital Plan including projections for Fiscal Year 2022 and proposed Capital Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2023.
Lastly, staff provide an overview of a proposed Recreation Sub-Fund for Park Avenue Boating Facility and received consensus from the Finance Committee to create the proposed Sub-Fund.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 2022-06 A Declaration Honoring Executive Director Brian Romes for his contributions to the Park District of Highland Park and the extended community in response to the Fourth of July Mass Shooting.
Staff provided construction updates for the Fink Park Athletic Field Development project, Centennial Ice Arena Facility and Site Renovations project and the Rink Floor Replacement project, Hidden Creek AquaPark Concrete Pool Deck and Shade Structure Replacement project, Findings from the structural survey conducted by Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE) for Deer Creek Racquet Club, Districtwide Lighting projects, Recreation Center of Highland Park Dehumidification System Replacement project, Moraine Beach Pathway project, and the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp Replacement project.
Staff provided an overview and recommendation of the 2023 Tax Levy. Further discussions will take place at the November 9 Workshop Meeting.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved purchasing Replacement Shade Structures at Hidden Creek AquaPark; the changes to Policy # 3.02.4 Fund Balance; the changes to Policy # 3.15 Purchasing; the changes to Policy # 4.02 for Naming or Renaming Parks, Buildings, and Facilities in the Park District of Highland Park Policy Manual; purchasing Golf Maintenance Equipment; purchasing Capital Replacement Zero-Turn Mowers; purchasing Life Fitness Upright and Recumbent Exercise Bikes; the 2022-2023 Sunset Valley Golf Club Cart Path Bridge Replacement and Removal Agreement; entering into an agreement with Camera Corner Connecting Point for purchase of the 2023 Infrastructure Upgrade Project Phase 2 Equipment in the amount of $106,235.74; and Section 7.6 of Part-Time the Part-Time and Full-Time Employee Personnel Policy Manuals: Flexible Spending Account.
September 14: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Ordinance 2022-05: Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property and the First Amendment to the Centennial Ice Arena Locker Room License Agreement.
Staff provided construction updates for the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp project, the Moraine Path Improvement project, the Centennial Ice Arena Renovation and Site Improvements project, the Millard Bluff Grading and Tree Removal project, the Fink Park Athletic Field Development project, and the Old Elm Trail Connection Feasibility Study.
Staff recommended elements from the approved Sunset Woods Master Plan for the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant program administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The competitive grant program provides up to 50% funding support to develop public outdoor recreation areas. This year $56M is available through the grant program, and the maximum individual award is $600,000. The application is due on September 30, 2022.
The Park District is working with a third-party consultant GovHRUSA to conduct an employee Compensation and Classification Study to attract and retain a productive workforce. Simultaneously, the Park District is redefining our Values to create a clear focus on what drives day-to-day decision-making, inspires leadership, and holds our organization, teams, and individuals accountable. The desired outcome of redefining Park District Values is a relentless focus on values-driven leadership, values-driven culture, and values-driven strategic initiatives that are simple, compelling, and aligned with our Mission (why we exist) and our Vision (what we aspire to do).
Lastly, staff reviewed the 2023 Proposed Budget Timeline.
September 28: Regular Meeting of the Park Board
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Athletic Fields Capital Campaign Project Change Order Agreement for the Non-Profit Coach consulting services, the base bid proposal, and alternates 1 and 2 from RES Environmental Operating Company, LLC in the amount of $319,300 for the 2022-2023 Millard Bluff Grading and Tree Removal project, and the OSLAD Grant Resolution Authorization, allowing the Park District of Highland Park to apply for funding assistance to implement the Sunset Woods Master Plan.
Staff provided an update on pickleball operations and recommendations to expand outdoor opportunities.
September 29: Policy Committee Meeting
The Policy Committee conducted an exercise to root the proposed redefined values into the District’s operational framework.
August 10: Finance Committee Meeting
Staff reviewed the long-term emergency replacement proposals for the compromised ice rink floor at Centennial Ice Arena and provided a recommendation. The Park Board awarded the project to Ice Builders, Inc. The emergency replacement project is estimated to cost approximately $1.5 million and will take approximately six months to complete.
Staff also reviewed the bid results from the 2022 Centennial Ice Arena Renovation and Site Improvements Project and provided a recommendation. It was the consensus of the Park Board to proceed with the bid from Stuckey Construction which includes lobby renovations, removal of the concession area, updated locker and restrooms, along with an improved drop-off area and vehicle turn-around, resurfaced parking lots with more lighting and pedestrian connections, and drainage improvements to protect the infrastructure.
Lastly, staff provided an update of the District’s Ten-Year Funding Model.
August 10: Workshop Meeting Of The Park Board
Finding in accordance with Park District Code, Article 8, Section 1, that–due to the unique circumstances present in this case concerning the nature of the work and the timing required–the replacement work for the Centennial Ice Arena is not adapted to award by competitive bidding; and, further, The Park Board of Commissioners authorized the Executive Director to enter into an Agreement with Ice Builders for design and construction services, labor and materials for the Centennial Ice Arena Rink Replacement Project in the amount of $1,391,790, subject to final contract document approval by Park District Corporate Counsel, Ancel Glink.
August 17: Facility And Recreation Committee Meeting
Architect consultants, Holabird and Root, and Construction Managers, Gilbane Construction Company, provided a progress of the conceptual plans and plan to deliver cost estimates at the next meeting.
August 18: Finance Committee Meeting
Staff reviewed the quarterly treasurer’s report and financial forecasts by fund through July 31, 2022.
Staff also reviewed the bid opening for the 2022 Facility and Parks Asphalt Improvements Project and provided a contract recommendation. The project would replace cart path holes 2, 3, 4, and 5, repair the parking lot at Heller Nature Center parking, and stripe the parking lot at Sunset Woods Park. Staff received consensus from the Finance Committee to place the contract from Troch McNeil Paving Company on the consent agenda at the August 24 Regular Meeting.
August 24: Regular Meeting Of The Park Board
Staff provided a review of the design renderings and floor plan layouts for the facility and entry renovations for the 2022 Centennial Ice Arena Renovation Improvement Project. The Park Board of Commissioners accepted base bid Items 1-10 and 12-14, alternates 3,7,11,12,14 from Stuckey Construction for the 2022 Centennial Ice Arena Renovation Improvement Project, authorizing the Executive Director to enter into an Agreement in the amount of $3,533,755. The Park Board of Commissioners also accepted change order 1 amounting to a deduct of $36,858 from the project.
Staff reviewed the Park Avenue Breakwater and Boat Ramp construction schedule. Mobilization begins September 6. The concrete launch ramp and sand ramp will be closed during construction, motorized watercraft can use the Lloyd Beach boat launch with the Winnetka Park District. Non-motorized watercraft can launch from the south beach on weeknights and weekends.
Staff received consensus from the Park Board of Commissioners to sell the 552 Electric Zamboni and request approval of a ratified Ordinance Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property at the September 14 Workshop meeting.
Staff, along with architect consultants Holabird and Root, provided a progress update on the vision, site analysis and programming assessment of the West Ridge Park and Site Project. The project team reviewed the anticipated timeline and discussed next steps.
Sikich LLP presented the Park District’s audited financial statements for 2021 and issued an unqualified or clean opinion for the report. This is the best opinion provided by an auditing firm and indicates that the Park District’s operations are in compliance with governance principles and applicable laws. The Park Board of Commissioners approved the 2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report.
Staff provided an update on the Sunset Woods Park Playground Renovation since the project has experienced a variety of setbacks due to poor weather conditions and equipment supply challenges.
The Park District received three bids for the Centennial Ice Arena Renovation and Site Improvements Project on June 10, 2022. Those documents are being reviewed, and references are being contacted.
Staff provided an update on the Moraine Fencing Improvement Project which is intended to address access control for patrons who visit Moraine Beach. Based on staff’s findings, the Park Board favored the option to continue messaging that the beach is open for all patrons and will be entirely open for off-leash dogs.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Resolution 2022-05: authorizing the Executive Director to purchase natural gas for the District from Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Collaborative or Alternative Utility Service for a period of up to 36 months.
Staff reviewed the proposed improvements from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, the project timeline, and fundraising efforts between the Parks Foundation and the Athletic Boosters to support the renovation of the Fink Park Athletic Field Development.
An Engineer from AECOM presented two repair concepts to address the damages along the southeast corner of the South Storage lot at Park Avenue Boating Facility.
Staff provided an update on the 2022 Capital Plan including a review of year-end projections. Staff also reviewed the 10-Year Funding Model.
Staff provided a brief update regarding the condition of the ice rink at Centennial Ice Arena.
The Park Board of Commissioners authorized the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with WJE Engineering in the amount of $38,700 to complete the investigation of the heaved ice rink slab at Centennial Ice Arena.
The Park Board of Commissioners adopted a Proclamation for the Designation of July as Parks and Recreation Month.
Staff provided an update on Summer Camp 2022 operations and the operational plans for Fourth Fest 2022.
The Park Board of Commissioners adopted the Beach and Boating Safety Week Proclamation declaring May 23 – 30 as Highland Park Beach and Boating Safety Week and encouraged that these safe practices continue throughout the summer.
The Park Board of Commissioners reconsidered the approval to enter into an agreement with Securatex and rejected all the proposals received on April 13, 2022, for the 2022 Lakefront Security Services. As a result, an emergency approval to enter into an agreement with Gamma Team Security, Inc for Lakefront Security Services was approved by the Park Board of Commissioners.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved Base Bid Items 1, 2, and 3 and Alternates 1 and 2 from Team REIL Inc. for the 2022 Moraine Park Path Improvement Project, and authorized the Executive Director to enter into an agreement in the amount of $586,314. Also approved was revisions to Section 8.9 “Participation in Programs and Use of Facilities” in the Part-Time Employee Personnel Policy Manual, Section 8.13 “Participation in Programs and Use of Facilities” in the Full-Time Employee Personnel Policy Manual, and Ordinance 2022-04 Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property.
Other updates included a brief overview of the events in June to celebrate the grand opening of The Preserve of Highland Park, an engineering proposal from Gewalt Hamilton Associate to replace the concrete deck and shade structures at Hidden Creek AquaPark, a review of the Centennial Ice Arena renovation project and timeline, and progress reports for the bridge replacement and removal along with cart path resurfacing projects at Sunset Valley Golf Club.
Commissioner Grossberg was elected for President of the Park Board and Commissioner Freeman was elected for Vice President. Executive Director Romes was appointed as Secretary to the Park Board, Coordinator Hejnowski was appointed as Assistant Secretary acting under the general supervisor of the Secretary, Director Peters was appointed as Treasurer, Director Kopka was appointed as the District’s IMRF authorized agent, Sikich LLP was appointed as the District’s auditor, and Ancel Glink was appointed as the District’s attorney.
The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Executive Director’s Annual Salary and the Hidden Creek AquaPark Concrete Deck Replacement Engineering Services Agreement.
Manager Acevedo provided a programming and staffing update for summer operations at Hidden Creek AquaPark and Rosewood Beach. Manager Pierce provided an update of summer operations for Park Avenue Beach and Boating Facility.
Sikich LLP presented upon the Annual Comprehensive Report and commended staff since there were no deficiencies and zero adjustments were made.