Fri., Aug 30-Wed., Sept 4 – Senior Center Construction Update: Elevator service at the Recreation Center of Highland Park will be unavailable Friday, August 30, through Wednesday, September 4 while the City’s construction crews at the Senior Center work on the flooring in the main floor lobby elevator.

Updates from the March Park Board Meetings

March 12: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff are working with the Highland Lakes Property Owners Association to extend the transfer agreement for the Rory David Deutsch property.

Staff received two proposals for the Lot 3 Paddle Facility. A civil engineering design services proposal from Gewalt Hamilton Associates for exterior utility improvements and a proposal for architectural services from Woodhouse Tinucci Architects for interior construction. Staff also reviewed the project timeline and the estimated project costs, including sponsorship opportunities and fundraising opportunities.  

PMA Securities, LLC Senior Vice President, Managing Director, Robert Lewis provided an overview of the Park District’s Debt and Funding scenarios, this included available financing mechanisms: Alternate Revenue Bonds, Debt Certificates, or Bonds paid from a separate property tax (referendum and non-referendum bonds).

Insurance and maintenance/landscaping items in the Recreation Fund exceeded the appropriation budget and the appropriation filed with Lake County. It was the advice of legal counsel and the auditors to file a budget transfer ordinance to amend the appropriation ordinance for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2023.

Staff reviewed the Recreation Trail Grant application for the red and green trails and the Heller Nature Center.

March 13: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

Staff are proposing renaming the Recreation Center of Highland Park, Park Fitness. Staff reviewed the creative briefings to develop the proposed name and how the rename will better promote the brand and all the amenities and programs the facility offers.

Staff provided a five-year financial analysis of dance and theater programs.

Staff provided a five-year financial analysis of youth enrichment programs.

Staff shared images of Sunset Valley Club House renovations. Renovations include expanding the bar, installing an outdoor walk-in-fridge, installing new flooring, installing new lighting, and new dining room décor.

Staff are updating the current five-year Pro-Forma for the dome (Lot 3 Paddle Facility).

March 13: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Design Services Agreement from Woodhouse Tinucci Architects for the Lot 3 Paddle Facility authoring the Executive Director to enter into a Professional Services Agreement and the Design Services Agreement from Gewalt Hamilton Associates for the Lot 3 Paddle Facility authoring the Executive Director to enter into a Professional Services Agreement. 

Staff provided a construction project update for Park Avenue Boating Facility North Beach Improvements, Park Avenue Boating Facility South Parking Lot Restoration, Sunset Woods Park Improvements, Old Elm and Port Clinton Playground Replacement, and Larry Fink memorial Park Baseball Field Improvements.

March 20: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the updated Mission, Vision, and Value Statements in the Policy Manual, Ordinance #2024-03 An Ordinance Amending the Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023, Ordinance 2024-04 Authorizing and Providing for the Conveyance or Sale of Surplus Personal Property, the Recreational Trail Program Grant Application, the Renewal of the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – North Route Bid, the Renewal of the 2023 Routine Grounds Maintenance – South Route Bid, the Renewal of the 2023 Weeding & Landscape Services Bid, the First Student Transportation Services Agreement Extension for Summer Camp, and the Purchase of an Air Supported Dome at 2205 Skokie Valley Road.

Staff provided an annual report for the Recreation Center of Highland Park comparing budgeted vs actual programming revenues, expenses, and membership utilization.

You may see a new face leading your next program at Heller Nature Center!

We’re excited to welcome a new Naturalist Teacher, Kerrick Goodman-Lucker, to our team. Kerrick has a passion for teaching about the outdoors and is excited to work with the local community. Get to know Kerrick with a quick Q&A––and be sure to say hello if you see him on the trails or teaching a program at Heller and Rosewood Beach!

Where are you from?

I was born in Florida, moved to California to get a graduate degree in Museum Education, lived there for 13 years, and then moved to Illinois in 2019. Yes, I am liking the snow quite well, thank you.

What brought you to the Park District of Highland Park?

I was a classroom teacher until 2021, when I switched to curriculum development. I came to miss being outside in nature, talking to humans not on a screen, and leaving my house ever. Heller Nature Center is a beautiful, peaceful outdoor setting, and my work encourages me to get out and walk and talk to more nature lovers. What’s not to love?

What is something few people know about you?

Three truths and no lies: I used to ride horses when I was a kid (English pleasure and beginning hunter-jumper). I spent a year interning on a farm where I learned to build stuff out of mud and straw and took care of goats and chickens. I love almost all animals, but I am deeply afraid of leeches. Bonus: I used to teach tai chi and pentjak silat.

What is your dream trip?

I have visited Ireland and Scotland, and also New Zealand and Australia. I would love to go back to any of those beautiful places. One day I want to visit the cloud forests of Costa Rica.

What’s your favorite season?

My favorite season is fall. When I was a kid in Florida, I used to think snow was imaginary. I sort of had the sense that somewhere fall happened and it must be really pretty, so I would collect dead leaves and acorns from under the live oaks in our 85 degree September days and make little “fall” displays. 

What is your favorite thing about Heller so far?

I wish more people knew about some of our really quirky, creative programs at HNC! Spread the word! We’re not all teams courses and sedate nature walks over here!

Kerrick Goodman-Lucker, Naturalist Teacher
Learning the Ropes: Kerrick leading his first of many crate climbing programs.

THE CICADAS ARE COMING! Join Mark on this edition of Wild Insights where he shares what’s in store for this rare “double brood emergence!”

What’s all this buzz about cicadas?

Here’s what to know about this once-in-a-lifetime event!

Why is 2024 a special year for cicadas?

For the first time since 1803, two broods belonging to two different species of periodical cicadas will emerge at the same time—an occurrence that happens only once every 221 years! One brood has been underground for 13 years, and the other for 17 years. What’s more, this year’s cicada groups, known as Brood XIII and Brood XIX, happened to make their homes adjacent to one another, with a narrow overlap in central Illinois.

When will we see them?

Cicadas typically emerge once the soil temperature reaches 64 degrees Fahrenheit. We would expect the larger majority to emerge from mid-May to early June, but this year, we may see them earlier due to the early warm temperatures.

Where will they be?

The insects are expected to merge all over the Midwest. However, here in Illinois, we may be primed to see more than our neighbors. Brood XIX (the 17-year brood) has a wide range across the Midwest and into Louisiana, North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. Brood XIII’s (the 13-year brood) population is mostly centered around Illinois but stretches into Wisconsin, Ohio, and Iowa.

What should we expect?

Noise, and lots of it! Cicadas are emerging primarily to mate, and their calls are loud. Their calls can reach 100 decibels, comparable to a motorcycle or a jackhammer! You will also probably see large gatherings of the young nymphs, and their old shells around the base and on the trunks of trees.

Should I be worried?

Not at all! While they may be big and loud, cicadas are harmless to humans and pets. And while they may do some damage to trees and large plants as they lay their eggs, they are not harmful to household gardens and crops like locusts are. This year, cicadas will be a valuable food source for birds and other predators.

Every so often the sun, moon, and Earth align just right to put on a spectacular show! On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will take place, meaning that the moon will pass in front of the sun, creating a shadow over the sun. Chicago and its surrounding suburbs will experience an estimated 94% totality—higher than the 2017 eclipse and higher than any future eclipses in Chicagoland.

What time is the big show?

At 12:50pm, the moon will start to pass in front of the sun, moving slowly at first and then picking up speed. The peak time to see it in Chicagoland will be around 2:07pm. By 3:22pm, it will move out of the area and the whole show will be over!

Do you have your solar eclipse glasses?

Because we live outside the path of totality (the stretch of land in which the moon will completely cover the sun, resulting in a total eclipse), it is extremely important to wear eclipse glasses while viewing the solar eclipse to avoid eye damage. Regular sunglasses are NOT safe for viewing.

Don’t have eclipse glasses? There’s another way to safely view the solar eclipse! Check out this how-to from NASA on making your own box pinhole projector:

You don’t want to miss this! The next total solar eclipse in the United States is set to take place on August 12, 2045. The next total solar eclipse with Chicago in a path of totality isn’t until August 4, 2111!

On Tuesday, March 12, the Park District of Highland Park celebrated the Jeff Fox Field Groundbreaking at Larry Fink Memorial Park.

The new state-of-the art field will more than triple the number of usable hours of the field each year and reduce the cost of maintenance by more than 50% every year over its projected 10-year lifespan. Hundreds of hours of play are lost each year due to flooding of the current field.

This project is part of a larger Park District Athletic Fields Master Plan, which includes long-term plans to renovate the athletic fields at Larry Fink Park, Danny Cunniff Park and Sunset Woods Park. The Park Board approved naming the new ballpark Jeff Fox Field, after longtime Highland Park resident Jeff Fox. It’s a wonderful story of how much the park, especially baseball, meant to Jeff and his family. You can read it here.

The $1.02 million project is fund with $500,000 from the Park District’s Capital Fund and the remainder from community donations through the Giants Athletic Boosters, an affiliate of the Parks Foundation of Highland Park. The new field is anticipated to be completed in Summer 2024. Learn more about the project here.

The Athletic Boosters at the Jeff Fox Field Groundbreaking on March 12.

Updates from the February Park Board Meetings

February 14: Facility and Recreation Committee Meeting

Architects, Holabird and Root Staff reviewed the schematic designs for the New Community Center at West Ridge Park. The schematic design includes two key elements the development of the site master plan and how the new building correlates to the site.

Staff are working with architects and engineers to develop design and engineering service agreements for the Lot 3 Paddle Facility. Architects Woodhouse Tinucci would develop and engineer the interior structure and Gewalt Hamilton will develop and engineer the site and utility infrastructures.

February 14: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

At least every 5 years the Park Board of Commissioners formally reviews the District’s ADA Transition Plan and at least every 10 years the Park Board will formally approve a new ADA Transition Plan. The Park District’s most recently reviewed this plan with the Park Board in 2019 and an ADA audit was last completed in 2010 by Recreation Accessibility Consultants. Staff provided a project overview and reviewed the proposal from WT Group for the 2024 ADA Accessibility Audit and Transition Plan.

Staff provided a construction project update for the Sunset Woods Park Improvements.

Staff reviewed proposed revisions and new additions to the FT and PT Employee Personnel Policy Manual, new additions include a wellness policy and incorporating the adopted Park District Values.

February 15: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the 2023 preliminary Cost Center financial results.  

Staff reviewed the 2023 fourth quarter financials for the Recreation Center of Highland Park.

It was the consensus of the Finance Committee to place the bid from US Commercial Diving on the consent agenda at the February 28, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Park Board.

Staff reviewed the Ten-Year Funding Model for the Capital Plan and the scheduled debt issuances.

February 28: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Policy 7.14 Social Media Policy to the Policy Manual, Adding the Mission, Vision, Values Statements to the Full-Time/Part-Time Personnel Policy Manuals, Changes to Policy 4.3 Access to Personnel Files to the Full-Time/Part-Time Personnel Policy Manuals, Changes to Policy 8.5 Bereavement Leave Full-Time Personnel Policy Manual, Policy 8.11 Wellness Policy to the Part-Time Personnel Policy Manual, Policy 8.15 Wellness Policy to the Full-Time Personnel Policy Manual, Changes to Policy 10.3 Illinois Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) to the Full-Time/Part-Time Personnel Policy Manuals, Changes to Policy 10.7 Blood Donation Leave to the Full-Time Personnel Policy Manual, the Emergency Evacuation Agreement North Shore School District 112, the 2024 Park Avenue Dredging Project Bid, the 2024 ADA Accessibility Audit and Transition Plan.

Staff secured a dome supplier through Sourcewell, a Cooperative Purchasing Advantage, to replace the dome located at Lot 3.  Staff reviewed the proposal from Air Structures American Technologies, INC (ASATI) along with the dome structure details and the conceptual floor plans.

Staff provided an annual report for Heller Nature Center and the Rosewood Interpretive Center comparing budgeted vs actual programming revenues, expenses, and participant utilization.

The Park Board of Commissioners met in Closed Session under Section 2(c)1: The employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, specific individuals who serve as independent contractors in a park, recreational, or educational setting, or specific volunteers of the public body or legal counsel for the public body.

The Park Board of Commissioners approved the Executive Director’s Compensation effective January 1, 2024.

At this year’s Parks Foundation of Highland Park Champion’s Gala, on Saturday, April 13, the Park District of Highland Park is honoring three outstanding coaches with special awards.

Pere Berkowitz, Volunteer Coach of the Year
Tori Rowe, Coach of the Year
Kimmie DiNicola, Liza McElroy Legacy Award

Each of these exceptional individuals deserves to be recognized by the community for the work they have done to grow their Baseball, Gymnastics, and Figure Skating teams. They motivate team members to live the values of our Park District and be Welcoming, Caring, and Extraordinary every day! They consistently go above and beyond, and are a positive influence on their players, students, parents, our staff, and the community.

It is with great pride that we share their stories with you, and we look forward to the Champions Gala on April 13 when we can present them with the awards they so richly deserve. (Click on the photos to read their stories)

Learn more about the Champions Gala and purchase tickets, click here>>

Tori Rowe

Coach of the Year

Tori Rowe Flies Through the Air

She does it with the greatest of ease. And if your daughter thinks that’s just the best thing ever, then the Gymnastics Program at the Park District of Highland Park, with Tori Rowe, is where you want her to train.

Time in the Gym is the Best Time of All

As a kid and a teenager Tori Rowe loved being a competitive gymnast. “I was really proud of that,” she said, “It was my entire life growing up.” You can hear how happy it makes her to talk about it. Growing up in Wauconda, Tori trained at a gym in Mundelein. Her first job while in high school was coaching gymnastics, and Tori continued coaching whenever she came home on breaks from college—graduating with a degree in Psychology. “I have a lot of Early Childhood and Child Development in my background,” she said, including teaching preschool at the Wauconda Park District. She always saw herself as a teacher, which of course she is, although she adds “not in the traditional sense”. We know she’s a great teacher, and the simple proof is the success of her teams. “Child Psychology is really my jam!” Tori said. The words just flew out and landed perfectly. We know, and so do her team member’s parents, just how important that kind of knowledge is when you’re responsible for guiding young girls through the hard physical and mental aspects of being a competitive gymnast. Especially with the omnipresent impact of social media in their lives. More on that later.

Tori was our Gymnastics Coordinator and Coach at Centennial Arena from 2016 to 2018. She came back as our Gymnastics Coordinator and Team Head Coach in September of 2022. “It felt like I would be able to do much more for the program this time as the Coordinator and Head Coach, although I’m still coaching quite a bit,” she said, with just a bit of a laugh. Last year Tori coached the Level 3 team, and this year she is coaching the Level 3 and Level 4 teams. Under her leadership, the team grew from 5 girls to 12 in just one year. There are now 8 gymnasts successfully competing at Level 3, and 4 at Level 4. “It’s such a proud moment for me watching them compete and then seeing them up there on the podium because I’ve been there. I know how it feels, and now I get to enjoy that from another place as their coach. It’s an amazing thing.” There’s a very special coach/friend relationship that Tori has developed with her gymnasts. Everyone sees it. But with that come the tough conversations about balancing life with practice, and moving from the non-competitive Pre-Team to compete at Level 3, and up again to Level 4. Tori has those conversations with her team, and also with parents. “I will literally plop myself down at a table in the lobby to talk with a parent about their gymnast. It’s important.”

That’s also why Tori is so important to us, and why we are thrilled to be able to tell you a small part of her story.

Gymnastics is More Than Just the Skills

“What you consume every day is not just food for your body,” is something Tori tells her gymnasts. That’s brilliant. It leads into the larger discussions of physical and mental health that are so important for teenage girls. “When they say, ‘I’m tired’ after the first few weeks of the season, then we sit down and talk about what are you eating before and after practice, and good nutrition in general, but also sleep hygiene, getting proper rest, and where is your phone at night.” (OK parents… where is your phone at night?) “I ask them what kind of media are you consuming, and are your friendships meaningful and supportive, because all of that is critically important to their overall well-being.” Having Tori as a coach gives these gymnasts more than the skills they need to compete. She teaches them life skills that they carry with them back to their families, to school, and to the community. Tori is one of those people that makes us all better. We love that about her.

Ask the Centennial staff, her gymnasts, and their parents and you’ll hear “She always encourages me to be the best I can be,” and “Tori truly cares about each girl.” While gymnastics is an individual sport, what Tori has built and continues to grow is very much a team effort. “We win team medals, too!” We’re all about that at your Park District. Be the best you can be, and make sure your teammates are, too.

Congratulations, Tori Rowe, Coach of the Year! You embody everything we know is good about the community of Highland Park. All of us here are honored to know you and work with you. Above all, we are so happy to call you our friend.

Pere Berkowitz

Volunteer Coach of the Year

At the heart of the Park District is where you’ll find Pere Berkowitz, our Volunteer Coach of the Year. His is a story of playing sports around the world and bringing those lessons to the young baseball players in our leagues. 


How does a kid from Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, go from playing baseball for Bergen Township to playing semipro rugby in South Africa? “Sports was always really important in my life,” said Pere Berkowitz, the U11 Baseball Head Coach. “Growing up, I was a three-sport athlete—football, baseball, and wrestling—and I played some basketball, too.” OK, we get the picture. After high school came college at UMass Amherst where Pere did a little wrestling, but now rugby was really his thing.  After college, in 1998, Pere went to South Africa to play semi-pro rugby. You know rugby is a pretty tough sport, right? Well, it’s also in the DNA of South Africans, and this was just 3 years after the historic 1995 win by their famous national team. So South Africa was clearly the place to play rugby then. About a year later, Pere moved to Chicago to play for the Chicago Lions, a rugby club that was founded in 1964 and is still one of the premier clubs in the country. Named for the Art Institute lions, by the way. “I lived in the clubhouse, and a few other places, and when I got married my wife and I lived in Bucktown.” Pere was working in marketing for Baxter then, and when their first son, Benjamin, was born it was time for a larger place, closer to work. They fell in love with the Highland Park community, and have been here ever since. Pere spent some time in marketing at Medline, and for the past seven years has been VP of Marketing for Fresenius Kabi. The family grew. Benjamin is now 16, Phoebe is 14, and Jacob just turned 12.  

Coaching. It’s all about the kids. 

When Benjamin joined the Park District’s Sandlot Sluggers baseball program, Pere was recruited to be a volunteer coach. “Sports was such a big part of my life, and I love being with my kids, so signing on as a volunteer coach was just a natural thing.” We know Pere was perfect for the job because in 2016 he was handed the District’s first-ever Volunteer Coach of the Year award. “It’s felt really good when I was given that first award, and now to be honored with it after my final season coaching U11 is just incredibly rewarding.” Final season? “Parent volunteers coach because they love being with their kids, and then they get personally invested in the other kids on the team, their families, and the community, ” Pere explained. “And as long as your kids are OK with that, you keep going. Now is the perfect time to step back and let Jacob be a part of the U12 team without Dad as the coach.” We get that. But what about being at the games? “I’ll be the one cheering incredibly loudly from the sidelines!” Yeah, we hear you. 

Words of wisdom from the coach. 

Sports, especially team sports, give kids, and teens a way to stay healthy physically and mentally. At your Park District, our coaches also bring their experiences and teach their athletes life skills to take with them out into the world. Not everyone will take them to South Africa, but they will take them back to our community, their family, and later to their job. Some of the best staff members and young coaches we have come out of our Park District programs. Pere’s son Benjamin now works with Mike Divincenzo right here in our sports programs. He went from Sandlot Slugger to coach. That’s what we’re all about. 

Pere has great stories to tell. You should catch up with him on the sidelines and enjoy one or two. He gave us some simple words for players to live by, and we’ll pass them on here. “Never give up.” Good one. “Always keep a positive attitude.” That makes us smile. He has a three-fold approach for coaches.  

  1. Love the sport, and teach your players to love the sport.  
  2. Teach them how to get better.  
  3. Remember that the lessons learned in sports can be applied to the rest of your life.  

Simple enough. It certainly worked for Pere, his kids, and his players. 

All of us will be cheering with Pere on the sidelines this year. But now, we’re cheering for him as we say Congratulations, Pere Berkowitz, our Park District’s Volunteer Coach of the Year! 

Kimmie DiNicola

Liza McElroy Legacy Award

A Life on the Ice

Kimmie DiNicola is cool. Hard working. And maybe just a bit lucky. She’s doing exactly what she has always wanted to do from the time she was a little girl, and not everyone gets to live their life that way. Kimmie is happy. She’s a joy to talk to — and you should, if you get the chance — especially when she’s talking about ice. Smooth, new ice. Early morning ice that’s clear, cold, and just waiting to be cut into by the blades of her figure skates. Kimmie DiNicola lives and breathes ice skating, and we are so fortunate that she has been our coach for the past 28 years at the Park District of Highland Park.

And now — drum roll please — Kimmie DiNicola is this year’s Lisa McElroy Legacy Award winner for Coach of the Year!

In the Beginning

Kimmie’s life on the ice began when she was a youngster growing up in Highland Park, where her dad was a firefighter. Centennial Ice Arena was, and is, her home ice. Was she a park district kid, like so many of us? Sure… but it was really all about skating. For those who find their passion early on — Yo-Yo Ma at age 4 comes to mind — the hours spent practicing feel like minutes. You don’t watch the clock, because there’s never enough time in the day to do what you truly love.

Figure skating was paramount all the way until high school, where there was no rink. No skating coach. No figure skating team at Stevenson in Buffalo Grove. But there was a Dance Team, and Kimmie was a natural choreographer. The sparkle of the ice turned into the glitter of costumes and performing on stage, and carried her through high school. All good. But when you have a passion for something it won’t take a back seat, and the day after she turned 15, Kimmie walked into Centennial and asked for a job as an ice skating instructor. At the Park District, 15 was the magic number. She was hired on the spot and started teaching tot classes. For the first year and a half, she also shadowed the more experienced instructors, learning all about ability levels and technique. Best of all, she was on the ice, creating and choreographing routines, picking costumes, steering and cheering on the next generation of figure skaters to be the best they could.

Is being a figure skating coach a career? Her parents didn’t think it was. College was mandatory for success in life, so off to college it was. At Columbia, Kimmie got her degree in Linguistics. (Remember the hard worker part of the story?) And now, she could go back to being a figure skating coach. Not quite. A degree was a good start, but her parents said a Master’s was required for real success. Kimmie’s Master’s degree from National Louis University is in Language Arts, which opened up a wonderful job using her sign language skills as a school interpreter. Still, there were those summer breaks on the ice, coaching at Centennial. Then, because she really did love being in school, Kimmie went to North Park University and graduated with a two-year Nursing degree. That’s also cool.

Jumping ahead in our story just a bit, in 2001 Kimmie worked at Highland Park Hospital, bringing all her skills to that critically important job, and finding “love in the ER” when she met her husband Jon, who is a firefighter and Emergency Room Tech at the hospital. In the movies, that’s the happy ending.

But passion is a hard thing to ignore, and the ice is, after all, her passion.

Back to our Story: The Next Chapter

  1. The year Kimmie let passion win and became a full-time skating coach at Centennial. Her home ice. Ask anyone there—staff, students, parents, and you hear “Kimmie is an extraordinary coach,” “Kimmie is so dedicated,” and “Kimmie changes lives.” That’s because her passion is instantly contagious, and her skills are exceptional—both on the ice and in organizing our classes, programs, events, and competitions. “She has left a positive mark on the sport, and on the lives of countless skaters.” If you need more proof, on July 5, 2022, after texting and talking with her skaters all through the nightmare of the day before, her students showed up at Centennial in the morning to skate together, because they were a team. A team that Kimmie had developed. And so they came to support each other and skate on their home ice. With their coach

Kimmie and Jon have two children, Dominic, 13, and Gianna, 11. Do they skate? “Since they were 18 months old,” said Kimmie. Dominic plays hockey. Gianna spent a year as a figure skater. “One day, she came to me and said ‘Mom, I love figure skating, but I want to play hockey with my brother.’” And… she does. Of course she does.

Last year, Kimmie took on another challenge and became the Competition Director for the North Shore Winter Classic Competition. Ice, camera, action. Costumes, glitter, organization! Under her leadership, the Winter Classic became the standout skating competition in the area. Sounds like destiny to us.

In nominating Kimmie for the Liza McElroy Award, her supervisor said “… she is the heartbeat of our skating community. Her tireless efforts, passion, and ability to create a supportive and welcoming environment have significantly contributed to the success and growth of our program.” Truer words have never been spoken.

We are grateful, and honored to have Kimmie DiNicola lead our young skaters onto the ice at Centennial, and into a future where they will remember what it looks like, how it feels, and how important it is to always follow your passion.

From all of us at the Park District: Congratulations, Kimmie!

Keep your kids busy and active during spring break and participate in one of our programs during the week of March 25-29!

Monday, March 25 – Friday, March 29 • 9am-Noon

Junior Spring Break Tennis Camp

Register for one day or all 5!

Get out of the house and hit the courts this spring break.
Drill and play with our pros and also play some games.

Ages 7-14

Monday, March 25 • 10am-noon

Skulls, Wings, and Furry Things

Do they exist? Come investigate fur, footprints, smells, and bones that have us wondering if Who eats without chewing their food? What animal has 42 teeth? What animal flies silently? Get up close and personal with our animal skulls, owl pellets, and taxidermy animals to find out these answers and more!this sci-fi creature really exists!

Ages 6-10

Participants also attending Color the Forest may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Heller between programs.

Monday, March 25 • 12:30-2:30pm

Color the Forest

Put an end to the drab colors of winter and let’s add some color to our Forest! Get tagged with colorful powder in our color run tag game. Create eye-catching and bright art to decorate the woods. Lastly, discover rainbow science with hands on mixing and bubbles.

Ages 6-10

Participants also attending Skulls, Wings, and Furry Things may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Heller between programs.

Tuesday, March 26 • 10am-noon

Dragon Eggs

We are on a Quest to find Dragons and their eggs! Once we’ve discovered their eggs and see them hatch, perform experiments with what dragons can do: fly, breathe fire, and magic!

Ages 6-10

Participants also attending Life Sized Games may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Rosewood between programs.

Tuesday, March 26 • 12:30-2:30pm

Life Sized Games

For today the games at Rosewood Beach are as large as life! Join us for classic board games blown up to a larger size, causing twice the fun!

Ages 6-10

Participants also attending Dragon Eggs may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Rosewood between programs.

Wednesday, March 27 • 10am-noon

Lost! In the Woods

Ahh! We are lost in the Woods! Use your outdoor survival skills to find your way back to the Nature Center. Make a compass, build a shelter, make a fire, and develop more survival skills needed to find your way out of the woods.

Ages 8-15

Participants also attending Photo-Journalism may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Heller between programs.

Wednesday, March 27 • 12:30-2:30pm

Photo Journalism

Tell your own story using only pictures! Attendees will learn how to plan out a photo journal that tells a story they create themselves. Then, they will get a chance to practice the basics of photography as they create the photo journal themselves. (Cameras are provided during activity.)

Ages 8-15

Participants also attending Lost! In the Woods may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Heller between programs.

Thursday, March 28 • 10am-noon

It’s Not Magic, It’s Science!

How did you do that?! It’s science of course. Make ghost bubbles, write with invisible ink, defy gravity, and more! See what wonders science has to offer with experiments that make you say… Is that magic?

Ages 6-10

Participants also attending Neat Nature Art may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Rosewood between programs.

Thursday, March 28 • 12:30-2:30pm

Neat Nature Art

Art is an amazing way to stay connected to the nature around us. In this program, participants will create art from the nature around them and create pictures that show nature’s beauty. We will practice creative thinking as well as some basic skills that are important for sketching in nature.

Ages 6-10

Participants also attending It’s Not Magic, It’s Science! may bring a peanut-free sack lunch and stay at Rosewood between programs.

Friday, March 29 • 12:30-2:30pm

Crate Climbing Challenge

While harnessed in and on a belay system, stack and climb up milk crates as high as 25 feet! The more crates you stack the higher you go. Are you up for the challenge?

Ages 8-15

Young and aspiring hockey players – girls and boys, ages 6 and up – are invited to skate with members of the Highland Park Giants Hockey team on Monday, February 19 from 11am-noon at Centennial Ice Arena.

Attendees will have a chance to enter a drawing to win public skating passes, or a skating class at Centennial Ice Arena.

Sponsored by the Garrett Collopy Foundation


Monday, February 19

Centennial Ice Arena (3100 Trail Way)

Event is free (includes skate rentals).

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to the Recreation Center Fitness Club repertoire – Pilates Reformer machines! As part of our ongoing commitment to providing diverse and effective workout options, we have introduced these state-of-the-art machines to enhance your fitness journey. Dive in to find out what makes reformers the hot new trend in Fitness!

What is a Pilates Reformer?

The Pilates Reformer is a versatile exercise equipment that facilitates Pilates movements and exercises. It consists of a carriage that moves back and forth along tracks within a frame, providing resistance through a system of springs and straps. This dynamic equipment allows various exercises, catering to all fitness levels and targeting multiple muscle groups.

Health Benefits of Pilates Reformer Workouts:

1. Full-Body Strength Building:

Pilates Reformer workouts engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, promoting balanced strength development. The resistance provided by the springs helps build lean muscle without the bulk, contributing to a toned and sculpted physique.

2. Improved Flexibility:

The Pilates Reformer allows for fluid, controlled movements that promote flexibility. Regular use can enhance joint mobility and reduce the risk of injuries by improving your range of motion.

3. Core Stability and Balance:

Core strength is at the core of Pilates, and the reformer is an excellent tool for strengthening the muscles around the abdomen, lower back, and pelvis. Enhanced core stability translates to better balance and posture in daily activities.

4. Low-Impact, Joint-Friendly:

Pilates Reformer workouts are gentle on the joints, making them suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. The low-impact nature of the exercises reduces the risk of strain or injury, making it an ideal option for rehabilitation and injury prevention.

5. Mind-Body Connection:

Pilates emphasizes mindfulness and concentration during workouts. Focusing on controlled movements, breathing, and precision fosters a solid mind-body connection, promoting mental well-being and stress relief.

6. Customizable Workouts:

Pilates Reformer workouts can be tailored to meet your specific needs and goals, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced fitness enthusiast. The adjustable resistance levels and various exercise possibilities ensure a personalized and challenging experience.

We invite you to experience the benefits of Pilates Reformer workouts at the Recreation Center Fitness Club. Our experienced instructors are ready to guide you through invigorating sessions that cater to your fitness level and goals.

Pilates Reformer training – your path to a healthier, stronger, and more balanced lifestyle begins now at the Recreation Center Fitness Club! 

Sign up for Pilates Reformer training in-person at the Recreation Center Fitness Club (1207 Park Ave W.) or online.

Get In, Get Fit, Get Happy!