Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Emergency Closing Policy

October 31, 2024

Winter is Coming!

The Park District endeavors to keep our facilities and programs operating whenever possible. There are times, however, when weather, road conditions, or facility malfunctions dictate that programs and/or services must be cancelled or temporarily postponed or entire facilities closed.

In order to provide employees and patrons with a safe and secure environment in which to work and play, the Park District reserves the right to close a particular facility or cancel a program using the following criteria:

  1. Whenever School District 112 (D112) cancels school due to weather conditions, all Park District activities and programs held at a school site will follow the same procedure the entire day and/or evening. When D112 cancellations take place in the morning (prior to the beginning of school), Park District programs at Park District facilities will also be cancelled through 12pm.
  2. Program cancellation will be consistent district-wide unless there are facility-specific reasons for cancellation.
  3. When programs are cancelled:
    • Affiliate and youth groups will be cancelled.
    • Adult rental groups will be given the option to cancel without penalty so long as they follow the above time period.
    • Private lessons/training staff or clients are given the option to cancel without penalty
    • Drop-in classes and/or programs will be determined by the facility manager
  4. In all situations, the Park District reserves the right to adapt this procedure and make decisions based on extenuating circumstances and/or on the safety of staff, patrons, and/or participants.
  5. Park District facilities themselves will remain open for non-registered and/or drop-in activities (e.g. fitness and tennis/pickleball club use, public skating, open gym, cross country skiing with skis, etc.) unless specifically directed to close due to weather conditions.

Because weather, including air quality and road conditions, can change dramatically as the day progresses, the Park District will monitor weather conditions and announce closing updates throughout the day. Communication regarding any weather-related closings and updates will be posted on the homepage of this website and the Park District Facebook page. Email updates are sent to customers who have subscribed to the Park District email list.