Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

Get Involved

Sponsorship/Advertising Opportunities

It’s a natural fit for us to partner with the Park District of Highland Park because, like us, they are hyper-focused on serving and enhancing our community by offering the best programming, facilities and parks – things that are so vital to the sustainability of tremendous communities like Highland Park.

— Jon Levey, President, Highland Park Bank & Trust, a Wintrust Community Bank

There is no better way to reach your target audience, maximize your marketing efforts and build your brand as an involved community business. Choose from a variety of sponsorship and advertising opportunities throughout the year for as little as $100. Depending on the level and type of sponsorship you select, you will receive:

To learn more, contact Nik Lapin at 847.971.0718 or email [email protected]

Park Partner

With $20,000 or more in annual sponsorship or advertising, your business will qualify as a “Park Partner” with additional marketing opportunities.  

Proud Sponsors