Tue, Dec 17: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

What are the residency requirements?

December 28, 2021

One of the following forms of proof of residency is required to purchase your Resident Lakefront Parking Decal and your Rosewood Beach Passes:

1. Current driver’s license with a Highland Park address
2. State of Illinois identification card with a Highland Park address
3. Real estate tax bill (prior year) with the owner’s name and a Highland Park address. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID.
4. Current automobile registration with name and Highland Park address. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID.
5. Copy of a real estate contract with a Highland Park address stating a closing date. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID.
6. A current utility bill with resident’s name. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID.
7. Current rental lease with name and Highland Park address. Applicant must also present a corresponding photo ID.

If you are purchasing more than 1 parking decal per adult residing in the household, in addition to proof of residency, proof of vehicle ownership will be required (vehicle registration or lease documents, names/addresses must match above proof of residency documentation).