To accommodate crews working on the Senior Center, from Thurs., Aug 1 through Sat., Aug 3 the Recreation Center elevator will be out of service. On Thurs., Aug 1, from 8am to noon, the Recreation Center locker rooms will be closed and the entrance to the Center will be limited to the southeast side, next to the lobby and the emergency exit.  Also, on Thurs., Aug 1, from noon to 5pm, the Recreation Center’s pool and locker rooms will be closed and the hot water will be shut off. We appreciate your patience during this time.

December 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

January 24, 2024

Updates from the December Park Board Meetings

December 6: Workshop Meeting of the Park Board

The Restricted Donor Agreement with Ron Saslow for the Enterprise Property Improvement Plan at 2205 Skokie Valley Road (Lot 3) is still being negotiated.

Staff reviewed the renewal terms for the 2024 License Agreement with the North Shore Yacht Club.  

Staff provided project updates for Park Avenue North, the New Community Center at West Ridge Park, Port Clinton and Old Elm Park Playgrounds, and the Preserve of Highland Park Compton Avenue Trail Connection.

Staff reviewed the preliminary plans for the events planned July 4, 2024 based on discussions held between the City of Highland Park and the Park District.

December 7: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the 2024 Budget and Ordinance 2023-10, An Ordinance Amending the Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2023.

The Finance Committee recommended the Park Board of Commissioners approve the agreement with Lakes and Rivers Contracting to the Park Avenue Boating Facility South Parking Lot Restoration project, the agreement with Stuckey Construction for the Larry Fink Memorial Park Baseball Field Improvements project, the agreement with Absolute Home Improvements for the Hidden Creek AquaPark Pool Shell Maintenance project, the Change Order for the Hidden Creek AquaPark Concrete Desk Replacement, and the agreement with Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc. for the Deer Creek Racquet Club Parking Lot Engineering proposal.

Staff are meeting with the City of Highland Park to discuss extending the termination rights for the Second Amendment to the Lot 3 Lease Agreement.

December 13: Decennial Committee Meeting of the Park Board

The Decennial Committee approved the Park District of Highland Park’s Efficiency Report and authorized Executive Director Romes to submit the report to the Lake County Board.

December 13: Regular Meeting of the Park Board

A public hearing was held for the tax levy ordinance. Staff presented the 2024 proposed budget and the budget and appropriation ordinance.

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Ordinance 2023-03 Naming the Baseball Field at Larry Fink Park the Jeff Fox Baseball Field; Ordinance #2023-09 – Tax Levy for 2023; Ordinance #2023-10 An Ordinance Amending the Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2023 and Ending on December 31, 2023; the Deer Creek Racquet Club Parking Lot Engineering Proposal; the Hidden Creek AquaPark Concrete Deck Replacement Change Order; the 2024 Larry Fink Memorial Park Baseball Field Improvements Bid; the 2024 Hidden Creek Aqua Park Pool Shell Maintenance Project Bid; the 2024 Park Avenue Boating Facility South Parking Lot Restoration Bid; the 2024 Highland Park Pops Affiliate Organization Agreement; the 2024 Highland Park Players Affiliate Organization Agreement; the 2024 American Youth Soccer Organization Affiliate Agreement; the 2024 Uptown Music Theater of Highland Park Affiliate Organization Agreement; the 2024 License Agreement between the Park District of Highland Park and the North Shore Yacht Club; and the Restricted Donor Agreement with Ron Saslow at 2205 Skokie Valley Road (Lot 3) with amendments to Section 5B to include the word materially before improve and to replace the word certified with approved.

Staff presented the 2024 Proposed Budget and the Budget and Appropriation Ordinance. It was the consensus of the Park Board of Commissioners to lay the budget down for a period of thirty days so that the public may review and approve. A public hearing for the 2024 budget will be held on January 31, 2024.

Staff provided an end-of-season report for Sunset Valley Golf Club comparing budgeted vs actual revenues, expenses, and utilization.