Fri, Jan 3: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.

October 2023: Park Board Meeting Briefs

December 13, 2023

Updates from the October Park Board Meetings

October 17: Finance Committee Meeting

Staff reviewed the third quarter financials for the Recreation Center of Highland Park.

PMA Securities LLC reviewed the proposed debt issuance for the 2024 fiscal year.

Staff reviewed the tax levy timeline and the key considerations for the 2023 tax levy considerations, and its impacts to the 2024 budget.

Staff reviewed the three Request for Qualifications (RFQs) for the Sunset Woods Improvements Design Service and received consensus from the Finance Committee to proceed with negotiating a fee with the top-ranked firm, Lamar Johnson.

Staff reviewed the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Recreational Services of an Enterprise Facility at 2205 Skokie Valley Road.

October 18: Facility and Recreation Committee Meeting

Staff provided construction project updates for the Hidden Creek AquaPark Deck Replacement and Shades Structure project, the Larry Fink Memorial Park Baseball Field Improvements project, and the Park Avenue North Beach project.

Staff reviewed the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Recreational Services of an Enterprise Facility at 2205 Skokie Valley Road.

Staff reviewed the reconciliation program developed by Architects Holabird and Root for the New Community Center at West Ridge Park. 

October 25: Decennial Committee Meeting of the Park Board

Staff reviewed public transparency including readily available information and opportunities for public feedback to the Park Board of Commissioners and staff.

Staff reviewed awards and recognition that the Park District of Highland Park received over the past five years.

Staff reviewed how the District serves the entire Highland Park community by providing attractive and diversified facilities, parks, and natural areas and provides recreation seven days a week for various interest groups and people of all ages.

Regular Meeting of the Park Board

The Park Board of Commissioners approved Ordinance 2023-08 Renaming Cloverdale Park to Fontana-Pasquesi Park.

Staff are still negotiating a fee with Lamar Johnson for design services for the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) Grant Project to implement Phase 1 of the Sunset Woods Master Plan. Staff hope to have a final recommendation and request approval of a Design Services Agreement in November.

Staff reviewed the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Recreational Services of an Enterprise Facility at 2205 Skokie Valley Road. Staff received consensus from the Park Board of Commissioners to work with Park District Legal Counsel to negotiate terms and develop a donor agreement with Ron Saslow and a license agreement with The Golf Practice. Agreements are anticipated to be considered for approval by the Park Board of Commissioners at the November Regular Board Meeting.  Staff also received consensus to continue negotiations directly with Golf Development Strategies on an agreement for future consideration.