Tue, Dec 17: The Rec Center Fitness Floor has temporarily moved to the gym, now a fully equipped workout space, as repairs continue in the main fitness area.  Learn more.


Ten Water Safety Tips for Parents

  • Discuss water safety and rules with your children before every visit to the pool or beach
  • Ensure your children have strong swimming skills by enrolling them in swimming classes
  • If you bring a child’s friend to the pool, assess their swimming ability yourself, don’t just rely on what their parents tell you
  • Don’t give shoulder rides, you may not be able to tell if your child’s head is above water
  • Don’t let your children play breath-holding games
  • Keep toys that sink to the bottom of the pool at home
  • Watch your children at all times around any body of water
  • Don’t get distracted by books or electronics, you are there to have fun, so unplug!
  • Remember to always stay within an arm’s reach of your child, even if they’re wearing a life jacket
  • Only use Coast Guard-approved life jackets that are properly fitted–Hidden Creek Pool has Coast Guard-approved life jackets for children (x-small-medium) that are free to use while at the pool

Share these Five Water Safety Tips with Your Kids

  • Have an adult with you whenever you go swimming
  • Make sure a lifeguard is watching the pool and the adult you are with gives you permission before you go into the water
  • Don’t rough house or play breath-holding games; it’s dangerous
  • If you see someone in trouble yell “HELP!” over and over again – don’t try to help someone in trouble yourself, or you could be pulled under
  • If you are tired, remember to take a break


Aquatics Manager
Aquatics Supervisor – Programs