Now – Tues, Mar 18: The Heller Nature Center building is closed for lobby renovations. Trails remain open daily from 7:30am to dusk.

Costumes & Photos


All costumes are made in general sizes, not custom sizes. Costumes will be ordered once registration is complete and all groups have been finalized.

Skaters must complete measurements in person and can do so December 2-19 at the following times:

For additional questions regarding measurements please contact Deb Jenssen at


April 6, 2025 • All Day

Group and individual photos will be taken of all skaters on Sunday, April 6, 2025. There will be no re-take day for photos. These photos will be available for purchase directly from our photographer. All skaters must wear costumes, tights, and skates for the photo. Male skaters must provide their own black skating pants. A costume shirt will be provided.

The schedule for group and individual photos will be emailed to skaters in the spring.